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When you think of it, churches are simply political parties, each with their own agenda, each soliciting campaign funds, each with their own dedicated supporters, each with their own dirty secrets, and so on.

Petter 9 June 27

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Even when we don't think about it...

At my age not thinking is very easy!

@Petter you are not alone.... ?


I agree. So are fans of professional sports, corporations, cosplay (maybe not so much, but...), and governments.

xyz123 Level 7 June 27, 2018

True. Sports governing bodies, like FIFA, are hotbeds of political manoeuvre.


Living in North Florida I know this to be true. These folks cannot or will not think for themselves.


And each ready to fight their own war. THink of some of the atrocities that have happened in the name of religion. And in our country they are not taxed so they can get quite wealthy

Tax free status is an abomination. Big corporations will deliberately spend extra to reduce their tax liability, but churches....?


Religious and political ideologies are functionally identical. They are prescribed sets of doctrines for which price of membership is abdication, all or in part, of individual reasoning faculties and subordination to the thinking of 'leaders'.

Sad that so many who've abandoned phony religious organizations are so blind to their bondage to political pastors.


Organized religion is a means to controll people.

Religion is slavery of the mind


Very true. Never looked at it like that. Obvious in hindsight, really.

hindsight has 20/20 vision.


Religion polutes mens minds with poison, but if you thing about it ... Its people that organise and peddle this nonsense, its just man made self perpetuating frenzy of gobledigook...


This is so true Petter. The bribe they use on their electorate is the afterlife. There are no receipts. It's a huge con.

Probably the oldest con in the world. Even witchcraft is simply a form of religion, when you think about it.


Indeed. I have long referred to the pope as a religious politician, and considered religious figures generally to be players in the power structure. It's a pity more people do not regard religious figures and religions with the same skepticism they regard politicians and political parties.


AND....each insisting that THEIRS is the only possible PATH!

That's so you pay the toll to use their road, instead of the competition.

@Petter get to ''star'' in new rites...confirmation, etc. What fun! They should offer ROBES and CROWNS and SCEPTERS and STUFF.


I could not agree more. "A rose by any other name is still a rose and would smell just a sweet".


Interesting comparison.

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