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What do you want to see happen to Donald Trump?

Redcupcoffee 7 June 27

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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reminds me of ...

Unfortunately, he is going to get re-elected by the masses or a lot of people will just not go out to vote.  Ironically, not voting against him will make it easier to get Donald Trump re-elected and it may be a close race ... but he will win as an incumbent president and people are just dreaming he will fix everything.  I have to respect the Republicans because they historically turn out in high numbers to vote for their candidates compared to Democrats!  Lee Scott AirForceNurse1 here and on Facebook! Lee Everett Scott

what you are saying is correct. the only way to get rid of him is for a massive voter effort by blues.


What do I want to see happen to Donald Trump? Easy
Impeachment and imprisonment. He has shown himself to be many things and none of them good and just about all evidence points to his having done or taken part in some very illegal things that he has gotten away with only because people think he's rich while the truth is that he is in most respects a financial failure that investors keep baling out because he exudes confidence.

Actually I would like to see his entire family behind bars, they have all proven to be void of any moral compass and are a detriment to society.


Voted out of office. Pence will be worse; he's Jesus crazy. Trump is just a narcissist.


I’m not a fan but I wish him well.


Answer up the press.


Voted out of office. Pence will be worse; he's Jesus crazy. Trump is just a narcissist.


Re-elected in 2020.


I guess you'll just have to take that up with all the folks at that nail factory in Missouri who lost their jobs today.

OK ok....
How's about Pence?

@Donto101, @webbew1
A nail factory?
That process isn't totally automated and "manned" by robots??? Hmmm. Going to need to phase out that "manned" verb/adverb....


Hmmmm.... I thought Trump was going to bring back all those manufacturing jobs. He was supposed to get the coal industry back up and running too. Or maybe it was the drive through photomats.

Hey! Watch that "old" label.
I prefer "mature"...... 😉


Anointed King

gater Level 7 June 27, 2018

You're joking right

@MikeFlora No, America needs a good King

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