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Captain_Feelgood 8 June 27

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A unified and politically aware working class is powerful. But getting to that stage is very difficult.


It's a nice thought and ideally the way things should be, but it would only work if everybody involved always did the right thing. Since we're talking humans here, that's not going to happen!!


Hmmmm.... its a thought. I respect your opinion. My answer is different. Ill leave it at that.

To be clear, this isn't necessarily my feeling on the subject. lt's an interesting view though, l think held mainly by hard core libertarians,, which l'm not. I'm certainly for much less taxation, and l do have a problem with victimless crimes (like smoking pot) for sure, but l admit, l'm a big proponent of the ''Free Market'' for sure..

@Captain_Feelgood. Ok.... to me.... you need order and it to be enforced. You need taxes to pay order and so on....

@BucketlistBob l'm totally with you. l love having the police, fire department, paved roads, etc.. l have heard folks (hard core libertarians) say we should take a sparsely populated city and make it completely privately run just to see if it did work. lt would be an interesting thing to see..

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