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Be good to those who are good,
And to those who are not.
For goodness increases goodness.
Have faith in those who are faithful
And in those who are not.
For faith brings greater faith;
And goodness and faith build peace." - Tao Te Ching 49

CreativeTN 5 June 28

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I guess a better way to think about it would be...

When we're bad would we prefer people to be bad to us or have faith in us and help us be better? One process is negative and the other positive. What am I missing. Help me understand so I can dislike this philosophy too.



Be bad to those who are bad,
And good to those who are not.
For badness increases goodness?
Have faith in those who are faithful
But not in those who are not.
For the lack of faith brings greater faith?
And badness and lack of faith build what?

I'm starting to think my agnosticism is at odds with this community.


And so on and so on and.........


Double meh.

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