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“We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion.”

— Max de Pree

Stacey48 8 June 28

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Good words , i like this philosophy


Agree, but unfortunately sometimes this has to be fought for.


Someone once said to me that the way to include more people in your house is not to cram them in, but build a larger roof.


I agree with you on that very much.
The only thing I would add though, is that often times people working together can have a positive effect too.


That's a lovely sentiment.
Unfortunately, there are those who not only refuse to acknowledge that, they actively impede it.
This speaks directly to yesterday's topic of "civility".
How can we maintain civility toward those who violently obstruct the rights of people just to "be"? Who go out of their way to diminish everyone who isn't them?

@Stacey48 That's where we disagree. There are some people who cannot be reasoned with. There is no "high road" to be taken with someone who believes that there are other citizens who don't have the same rights as every other citizen.

To replicate their actions and words just brings us a step closer to becoming them.
Replying in kind doesn't work, but merely exacerbates the problem.

@Agamic What would either of you suggest then? If talking and negotiating a peaceful solution doesn't work, then what?


I provide information as I can or as allowed, and if abuse starts, I inform them that we can only continue if they are civil.
I also inform them that, as we're supposed to be adults, act like it, or there is nothing further to discuss.
I won't allow abusive behavior, and I won't contribute to such.
These subjects are much too much for whiney little children, so if that's how they act, I will tell them such and won't engage again until they want to BE adult about it.




Hey !! I have grown enough, almost time to be harvested !


Lovely thoughts

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