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Why can't red and blue just get along?

Irie 4 June 28

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I think we can live together. I don't think people have gotten more polarized, we're still the same folks that have always been, trying to live our lives safely and happily. I think the people in power have discovered the profitability in creating polar issues and the visual media has discovered the profitability of showing tragedy. These two concepts create the illusion that we are divided. If I watch television or use social media, yeah it sure does look like we are divided. However when I talk to people face to face, no matter which side of the discussion they are on, we mostly agree.


This is not confined to American Politics but it seems to be worldwide and getting worse. By belonging to a club or political party or a religion or a nation state by definition we will be pitted against others. We used to be more tolerant of other points of view but perhaps the leaders we have been electing are the wrong people for the job. what we need is more consensus not more polarisation. I firmly believe the best governments are coilitions. This eliminates the pendulum swinging from one extreme to the other with, as is happening with Trump, a new President trying to demolish all policies of his predecessor. Good luck trying to get more cooperation between the Red and Blue, but under Trump that just aint going to happen.


How? What base-line do we have? "Humanity?" If you're Red, only one color matters: white. "Compassion?" Right now Red is separating children from parents and moving them away in the middle of the night. "Science?" Red calls science a fraud strait from the pit of hell. "Facts?" Fake news.

We've got to have a base-line, and that does not exist at this point. As long as there is one group of people who vilify data, attack science, promote xenophobia and bigotry, "getting along" isn't really going to happen. It's kind of like asking, "why can't the colon and cancer just get along..." Cancer doesn't get along.


Why can't humans get along all over the world ? And why can't they co-exist peacefully with our animal neighbors ? And why can't we be civil to one another ? And why do we put more energy into finding what's different about us all , rather than what is the same ? And why are we becoming less and less social, and more inclined to stare at cells ? And why in hell did anyone vote for the orange one ? And why can't we work on reversing climate change - which will likely spell the end of life as we know it - if not life altogether ? Why-why-why-why ? Shit.

I am just the observer here, don't mind me ?

Thank you GG !


The blues lack civility

gater Level 7 June 28, 2018

Yes, us blues are lacking a bit in civility these days but at least we had some at one point, unlike the reds who never had any to begin with..........


Because tribalism is powerful. If you look you'd spot them wearing branded sports crap a lot.

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