31 4

What would you do if some of your Facebook friends were constantly posting those corny Hallmark memes about god, and how everything happens for the best, etc.? Sometimes I'm tempted to respond, which ofcourse would not please them, but mostly I just continue to scrowl. Have concidered unfriending them. Another question, does anyone else wonder if these religious folks ever see your comments on other sites, like FFR, or other threads that are public?

friendlycatlady 5 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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A work mate texted me something about the necesity of pleasing God. I texted the question of how God is pleased. He knew I was being synical. But he is still my friend.

MrDMC Level 7 June 29, 2018

I have a Facebook but the posts are diluted - I've had to use the account to work for clients so it's only representative of a shadow of me. Plus some long-distance friends and family. I've just unfollowed everyone who posts saccharine and/or religious posts. I hadn't really considered them seeing my other posts, but I guess the cat would be out of the bag if they did. No worries if it happens, except possibly with paying clients. 🙂

Lauren Level 8 June 28, 2018

Hallmark is worse than anthrax.


Just ignore it, or syeal them and post them in atheist social media and laugh at them.


So tired of it all

very little respect for nonbelievers

LouLou Level 4 June 28, 2018

To be honest it doesn't bother me. All of my friends Theist, and non- Theists alike value each others belief, or non belief. Our friendship goes much farther that. so I never give them any bad comments, and they don't of me. In fact some of my friends that are believers have given me a nice comment saying that even they don't share the same belief as me, they give me a thumbs up for speaking my honest mind.

I choose my friends wisely.

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