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I often think that some people are just hateful and they use religion to justify their hatred and toi help create targets for their hate. If they didn't use religion to channel their hate they would just find some other (socially acceptable) means to spew and practice hate.

snytiger6 9 June 28

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Of course.
You can clearly see that on this website, as many atheists here are as hateful, and troll people who don't totally agree with them just as viciously, as any alt-right religious wing nut.

That is what brought the topic to my mond....


how do you know so many hurting people . I know NONE ??


Sometimes I feel that hate is the only thing people have to hang onto. That if they did not have their hate they would shrivel up and die.

Think soem pepel are that way. I think it is because they value the wrong kind of things.... things which will never bring them happiness.


Hateful people exist both within, and outside of religion. For those with a deep seated urge to hate - no justification is required, as it seems to come quite naturally to them . Ugh

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