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Plus, actively condemn those seeking to criminalize debate and disagreement.

WilliamCharles 8 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Re: "Official" fake news.


You mean the woke left?

I mean those who actively seek to make supporting #BDS illegal claiming it is, in and of itself, anti-Semitism.

Look at all the posturing and lies on behalf of Israel as they murder and steal with impunity, that we bankroll, I might add. Discussion is most assuredly avoided lest there be debate on their nukes, or the endless funds we provide for their war machine, or the disproportional influence they have on our congress and media.

This type of thing specifically.



There has always been 'fake news'. It's part of life. It's just bias and distraction with a new label.

It's been that way on steroids for awhile now. The elimination of the Fairness Doctrine helped kill any pretense of objectivity.


Most people here do this too much.

At first, anything I said on this website the least bit controversial, some troll would pop up to dispute me-usually a male, but some women, even if I was relating personal experience, arguing wildly, demanding "proof," and calling any supplied links "fake news," insulting me, jeering.

Of course, I no longer wished to interact with them in dating or friendship and finally learned to go to their profiles and hit the "block" button.

After that, I blocked anyone who was rude, lewd, or crude, who argued relentlessly, or trolled anyone, even other women. So many obnoxious men were eliminated that I receive far fewer attacks these days.


But you still have to condemn disagreement if it fails to hold to the above standards, or you defeat your own purpose. Also, there is a trick or two missing: that (or those) related to morality.


Fantastic. Of course Carl Sagan. Always follow the evidence where ever it may lead. My dad always said. Follow the evidence. Two things you leave outside the lab door are religion and politics.


Great list


These are very good high standards! Nothing less from this great man! Is this from the demon haunted world?


I like this...for me it is hard not to escape in my mind to a place where disasters, await...with the way some people perceive reality! Especially, with family and close friends! And, yet I really can’t see the future or what outcomes are sure to be good ones! Must keep a level head, inspite of ‘wonderings of the mind!’


Following these ideas would make the world a much better place for all inhabitants.

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