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Is it possible to 'kill yourself' just by thinking about it?

I don't believe in telepathy, and other mental powers etc, but I wonder if it's possible to tell your own brain to just, 'shut down'.

Not saying I want to do this - I just want to know if we have that level of control.

I mean, if you 'strained' hard enough, surely your head would explode right?

adz 4 June 28

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I don't think so. The base, ancient part of our DNA defaults to staying alive at all costs. Despite any emotional or intellectual suffering.

People can die early through medical problems resulting from stress or loneliness, which has a mental connection. I recall something about elevated levels of cortisol.


I think it would take time to wear yourself down both mentally and physically, it does seem to be possible. Of course I have no evidence to back this up so it's just conjecture.


Such stories are common in Ireland. Where people have predicted the day of their death and simply up and died on that exact day. But these were elderly people weary of life. I believe the physce has an enormous sense of self-preservation so when a depressed person for example says 'i just want to die' the body says 'no, that's not happening'.


Depending on the mental illness of the person. Just like believing in god, that's a mental illness. Really

Qiru Level 6 June 29, 2018

Definitely not. Try putting your hand over your nose and mouth. You will move them in the end

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