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So after reading some comments on an FB post, I became very curious. I hope to keep this post relatively mature as it is of a personal nature. I have a few different questions/comments to present...

  1. As someone who plans to adopt and potentially have her own, something I never realized I may need to consider is if I'll have a son circumcised. What is your opinion and why? Please don't be too graphic, I am a LADY?. Parents, I'm most interested in hearing how you made your decisions with your own sons.

  2. Do you think that majority of those that have been circumcised was due to religious reasons or just the assumed norm?

  3. I hate when women push their beliefs on this topic, while also ask men to stay out of decision-making when it comes to women's reproductive rights. Have your opinion, sure. Please don't ever argue against a Male on this topic though. Agree? Disagree?

Kassandra 6 June 29

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96 comments (26 - 50)

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To crazycurls, WOW! a bit intense aren't you? You don't know me and you spouting off like that making questionable assumptions as if you are the supreme keeper of the book of knowledge. Your attitude is unworthy of a response

and yet, you responded...

@crazycurlz Actually telling someone that their comments are not worth responding to isn't a response so much as it is notification.


Like female vaginal mutilation it is not necessary to be done on male children ! Assumed norms ,men have no right to what a woman does with her body , i am amused that Texas has a law limiting number of dildos to 6

Mets Level 6 June 29, 2018

its' not like female genital mutilation. it's circumcision.

@crazycurlz it’s male genital mutilation.
Just because it’s the norm doesn’t make it ok

@crazycurlz unnecessary surgery is mutilation

@BagelPants and @Simon1 you can say it as much as you want to. Your alternative facts are just that. Hope you'll grow a little and reconsider your sources.

There is a limit on dildos in Texas?!?!?? ??

Thank you for your comment.

@crazycurlz and what is mutilation?

@crazycurlz I think @BagelPants and @Simon1 are in a more informed position than you since htey speak from personal experience. Never had a problem with my four boys. If it aint broke.....don't fix it. Besides this, anyone who think this doesn't hurt a newborn babe is out of their mind. Let your children decide for themselves about what surgery, piercings, tattoos they want when they are of age

@crazycurlz "its' not like female genital mutilation. it's circumcision."
If your parents cut off part of your ear or your nose it's mutilation, giving it a name does not change what it is. In todays society it is no different than what we do to dogs to give them the appearance we've grown accustom to.
Let the man decide what he wants cut off, not his parents.
And yes, it is exactly like female genital mutilation, i't intention was to keep the kids from masturbating.

And did you know that in Jewish tradition a Moyal, who is not a doctor, does the bird and uses his mouth the clean the wound, And I say wound because cutting of part of a penis is inflicting a wound. And many of these religious men have spread venereal disease to the babies by following this practice.

It is an archaic practice and doing it to babies is wrong.
And if you want to make the argument that it helps prevent sexually transmitted diseases, I don't think too many babies are fucking anyone yet. They have their whole life to cut off a piece of their penis for health reasons.

@ThomasLevi again, opinion. I am not arguing about STDs, haven't mentioned that. It's Mohel and not Moyal and where the hell you come up with your crap about cleaning the wound with his mouth is just disgusting alternative facts.

@crazycurlz OK TRump, here is your alternative fact - []

Because obviously you have all the facts and are right about everything.
By the way, religion is disgusting and so is cutting off part of a babies penis, even if you think it's for their own good, because it's not.

@crazycurlz "Your alternative facts"

Welcome to Trumps Merica where reality can be one sided.

Well someone is right, and she just knows it! She's also here to inform the ignorant which is, apparantly, anyone who does not agree with her. She's most likely better informed on other subjects, too, but, then again, I'm probably ignorant anyway so, don't listen to me. Keep calm, and carry on!

And there I was taught that Texas did and had everything biggest and best?


Didn't have my son circumcised. if we are born with something, it is there for a reason. Another example of human tendency to try to change nature. And this is from religious thought.

Bullshit. Mother Nature screws up all the time. We have medical procedures for removing almost all failed body parts including genital reproductive organs (the uterus and ovaries with hysterectomy- major surgery, gall bladder and other excess folds with weight reduction surgeries). Believing that a higher being (Mother Nature) is omnipotent and omniscient and always right...I'd say THAT is from religious thought.

@crazycurlz yes we have medical procedures for removing FAILED body parts. Foreskin hasn’t failed a day old infant.

I'm sorry that your post attracted such an abusive response.

@Marcie1974 then you miss the point.

@crazycurlz you have a point?


The foreskin of the penis is essentially the penis's version of a clitoris and along with it, its sensitivity.

There are SOME medical reasons for circumcision, but as far as it been necessary it is not.

Personal preference being one thing, but if you DON'T then they can always make the decision for themselves later in life if they have the medical need or aesthetic want.

No no no. The clitoris is the equivalent of the whole penis - the pleasure organ.


I was with someone who said that not being circumcised made sex much more pleasurable. Not that you can compare if you only know one way or another. But he certainly was happy that his parents made the decision not to circumcise him (it's interesting that you have to make the decision NOT to do something, since doing it seems to have been the default for so many years).

Hihi Level 6 June 29, 2018

it damages the nerves and can lead to less feeling during sex . There are a few instances where the penis is born with defects that need surgery but a healthy penis does not need the procedure

Simon1 Level 7 June 29, 2018

I was circumcised as a baby. I seriously doubt I would have it done now if I had the choice, unless there was a valid medical reason.


Male circumcision seems to be a growing discussion point. If I had a son I was not going to have him circumcised even though I am. Most boys are circumcised because their fathers are even though originally it was a Jewish thing, though my family is Jewish on my fathers side.
In Africa it is being pushed as a counter to the spread of diseases such as aids. And while it does help they promote it that it cuts in half the chances of getting aids but the real statistics is closer to cutting the chances of contracting aids from 6% to 3% so the actual number of people who benefit is rather small and it can not be proven that being circumcised is what helped.

It's an archaic religious practice that most likely had been started as a hygiene issue in a growing population that was attributed to god to help enforce. Does it help keep things clean? Probably. Does it hinder sexual pleasure, can't say myself but I can't say I've suffered or missed out on anything not having my foreskin.

Making the decision for an infant is the parental privilege but I say don't do it. Plenty of teenagers and grown men have it done so obviously there is no real benefit to having it done as an infant.

I will say that I kinda wish I had not been circumcised and know I would not have chosen to.

I say leave them intact. Better yet ask yourself this, would you have the appendix of a child removed for "just in case it helps"? My guess is no, so why remove a foreskin?

Thank you for a calm & coherent response.

Liked your comment. I am female and my brother was circumcised. I could have written your comments, weighing out the pros and cons but I arrived at a different conclusion.

@crazycurlz Well, that is one of the reasons it is still so prevalent, assuming you are for it, people still see a value in it. Is that the different conclusions you came to?
I look at it more like the reasons people dock the tails or crop the ears of some dog breeds, at least in the US, it has become more an aesthetic issue.

@ThomasLevi I actually disagree but headed out and will have to comment another time. 🙂

@crazycurlz No time like the present.

On sexual pleasure. You unfortunately can never know because you have been deprived just as a clitoradectomy of a woman deprives her of the sensation of clitoral pleasure. There are no parental rights. All rights reside in the child.

@crazycurlz Often those of cast iron opinion are unable to accept that their belief is not in iron but crumbling sand.


Like many issues, there are a lot of opinions on male circumcision and minimal solid facts.

The world health organization's medical department recommends male circumcision for much of the 3rd world, clearly medical professionals think there's SOME utility in male circumcision. If you demand a source here, I'll give it. If you're particularly antagonistic about it, please prepare to apologize for being an ass.

From personal anecdotal experience in Northern Africa, hygiene there isn't stressed nor is daily bathing even possible.

Obviously the USA is much different than 3rd world countries. I won't have children of my own, but if I adopted a boy, I wouldn't have him circumcised.


I am not circumcised and I have not had any infection or hygiene issue whatsoever. I come from a culture where almost every one is uncircumcised and no one one I know has had any health issue because of that, at least not that I know of. I have read that in gay men being circumcised reduces your chance of getting stds. Let your son make that choice when he is ready.

I read the post again and realized its for parents,but I am not one. I am still going to leave the comment as my thoughts are shared by a billion or so in my country!


When my kids turned 100 days, I got them tattoos of Calvin pissing on the Grim Reaper. It marked a big day. I have the same tattoo and I just wanted then to look like Daddy.


Oh, before I forget - as a follow up question - have you gotten your baby girl's ears pierced? If so, why? If not, why?

When and if I have a daughter she will do all piercings she wants by herself. We do not tattoo our kids why should I force her with a mark without her approval?

@Humanistheathen thanks! While I won't be making my final decision any time soon and at this moment this post is for my hypothetical children lol, I will do my best to make an update here if that day comes. As of right now, I am leaning towards not getting them circumcised. Thanks for the feedback!!

No, not as a baby, we let her decide when she was about 12/14 or there abouts. These should always be personal decisions. I got my daughter a tattoo for her 21st birthday, she now has about 30, but her body/her choice.

My wife did when our daughter was like 6 months old, didn't ask me of course but I don't suppose I would have rejected the idea.
Of course poking a tiny hole is a bit different than cutting something off. 🙂

@ThomasLevi not according to some natural practioners who see pircing as damaging to accupunture points particularly in the ear lobes.

@FrayedBear I knew I should have had her consult an acupuncturist first before having needles stuck into body parts 😉

@ThomasLevi It's not the passage through the scrotum but ....! Hehehe


My son is not circumcised. I do not see the point - cut skin off my kid? Why?

My husband would probably have won the argument if he really felt it was important. In our case, my kid had two surgeries after birth and was 40 days old before he left the hospital. They asked right before we were about to take him home if 'by the way' do we want to circumcise him. Um, no thanks. He's been through enough.

Hihi Level 6 June 29, 2018

It's perfectly fine to make decisions for yourself and your family. I can respect that. But, the leaps you make, comparing it to female genital mutilation, for instance, are inexcusable.

@crazycurlz I don't want to be demeaning, but you remind me of a Christian.

@Kassandra this is a pretty important topic and requires discussion even if it becomes heated. I understand that by calling me a 'Christian' you think you are offending me, but, I have many Christian friends I admire and respect.


i do not have children.... I am male..... it started with the Egyptians, then the Hebrews as a way of marking their cattle, I mean people...... no i do not like to be marked. I was not asked if I wanted my foreskin removed. I would like to have it back, but I am 43 and that is impossible, I never forgave my mother!!

Etre Level 7 June 29, 2018

Just remembered and must add that I did have my son circumcised, and this was 58 years ago, a decision I now greatly regret.

it started as a means to prevent infection, much as what is happening in Africa today. Then it became tradition.

@crazycurlz you keep refering to africa who also belive that condoms cause aids due to the misinformation given to them by the catnolics and now thy have the highest infection of aids !!!

Srry, it started with the Egyptians then the Hebrews. Unless you are talking about modern society, and yes that is the reason they propagate.

@Simon1 I think by now I am beginning to feel sorry for you.


In reply I ask you to read the following blog written by a young American woman. Then answer the following questions -
• Do you want to deprive your son of knowing full sexual pleasure?
• Do you have the right to expose your son to the chance of death as a result of the unneccessary procedure (about 2 in 6000 die from complications).
• If your son survives the operation do you have the right to subject him to permanent deformity and the possibility of permanent unnatural curvature of the penis, loss of penis, loss of skin for the length of it, damage to the urethra, permanent psychological damage ...
• Do you have the right to permanently cripple your son without having his informed adult consent? He is at his most vulnerable and most in need of parental protection. Will you deny him the trust and protection?
• Do you have the right to deny your son the health benefits only obtained from having a foreskin? It is now believed that this includes protection from HIV/ AIDS.
Please read:

Frayed Bear, this is an opinion piece, not evidence-based.

@crazycurlz i literally have the evidence to back this up in my hands !!

@crazycurlz What evidence do you want? A dick pic?

@Simon1 lol.Well said Simon.

@crazycurlz did you read the researched link that I gave? There is no opinion in a question. You can verify the evidence by using google to read something other than religious dogma but perhaps cognitive dissonance prevents you?


(My comments which follow below pertain to religious circumcision.)

Is the boy not a person in their own right?

Is their body theirs and not yours?

Circumcision should be the choice of the person who has it. No one else's. *

Circumcision imposed on someone is physical assault. *

And finally... Why are someone else's genitals your business? To force religious circumcision on a boy is to push your beliefs in an irreversible way.

  • unless there is a medical reason.

Unless you have a religious conviction to do so it would probably be worth discussing with a health practioner, preferably GP. Not being Jewish I have no insight into the benefits but I believe it was part of the Mosaic Law and therefore over 3,000 years old. I would hope we have moved forward from the required practices of the Bronze Age.

I would hope than on a site like this we wouldn't have to deal with thousands of years of religious backwardness and mumbo-jumbo, but that's apparently not always the case.


I didn't want my sons circumcised, I didn't see the need; I considered it to be an outdated concept, one that would eventually break out of social norms; my wife's concern was that she didn't want them to be different from other kids, but the move away from circumcision was already happening, so that will likely become the norm.

I think circumcision is one of those things that future generations will read about and ask "WTF were they thinking!?"


I'm circumcised and while I don't have any particular problems against it myself I didn't have my son circumcised and I wouldn't recommend it for anything other than medical reasons because it isn't necessary!

Pete66 Level 6 June 29, 2018

Unfortunately you are not in a position to be able to tell the difference.
I'm very pleased however that you didn't cripple your son.

@FrayedBear well that's true but I certainly have never been disappointed with sex or noticed any negative effects. I don't feel "crippled" 😀

@Pete66 Ignorance is bliss. ?


A boy's foreskin can promote disease. I support the removal of everything humans have that promote disease. One eye, lung, and kidney should be removed, a girl's uterus, cervix, and ovaries, and a boy's prostate, foreskin, and testicles. Removing only the foreskin is not protecting the child enough.

Alternatively, let the person decide what gets removed after they understand the reasons, risks, and following their informed consent.


There are no sound medical reasons for circumcision, and as it is practiced on newborns, no consent can be given. It’s a barbaric practice, and should be outlawed.


I don't know why I wasn't circumsized, but I wasn't. My oldest brother was and I don't recall whether my other two brothers were or not. I feel I was very fortunate after reading how this procedure is now considered by many if not most medical professionals as barbaric, torturous, and completely non essential.

medical professionals don't use the terms barbaric, or torturous to describe this procedure. you're giving an opinion

@crazycurlz labotimis were never described as barbaric or the use of leeches for headaches they are now times change !!

@Simon1 bless you for the superficial, but enthusiastic effort you put into defending your position. your brain wasn't born with an encyclopedia (neither was mine)'s okay to look to other sources for information.

@crazycurlz But I believe it was a medical opinion by a medical professional, regardless of what you believe, but thanks for offering YOUR opinion.

@crazycurlz you I suggest are not talking to the right doctors. Of course I doubt that working in a Jewish hospital that you would encounter any right minded or unbiased doctors would you?


I can only tell you that I'm glad I was.

Why are you "glad"? I'd love to hear your reasons.


@Secretguy while I love Seinfeld, I don’t agree with body shaming

@Marcie1974 Wow. Sense of humor much?

@Secretguy I know how sensitive most guys are and size and the way their penis looks. The look of revolt on her face is a bit much.


I had my children at home and didn't have my son circumcised, considering it child abuse. There is no good reason to do this to an innocent newborn baby.

As for women's reproductive rights, if men could get pregnant and would take care of a child for 18 years while trying to work and keep up the housework, then he could have a say. Otherwise, no.

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1- Circumcision is actually male genital mutilation if you reframe this. It was performed by Victorians to reduce urges to masterbate as the foreskin has a LOT of nerve endings, it can lead to ease of contraction of several STIs and the only benefit is a short-term one of cleaning diapers. I’d suggest not circumcising, it comes with risks of deformation and harms their ability to enjoy their bodies to the fullest, plus most women can’t tell.
2- Assumed cultural norms, white male christians with roots to Victorian era purity model have no religious requirement whereas jewish males (any racial background) have spiritual reasons and a specific ritual— that one has led to a few babies contracting genital herpes.
3- Disagree. I do not argue with men about penis augmentation because it’s THEIR bodies, why should they argue my right to my reproductive organs in equal footing? Sure we can intellectually discuss the topic- IF they are read up, like intellectually the corpus will not evenly engorge on an augmented penis which means their erection will lean or be incomplete which can make intercoarse potentially painful but hey, if you have a micropenis (2 inches and smaller) you probably shouldn’t worry about the arch differentials since you’re stopping well before the “g spot” in corresponding vaginal sex if you’re hetero and coming up short for the prostate— about 4 inches gets you there, so for mutual pleasure it might be worth it. Still wouldn’t tell aguy with a micropenis to GET or NOT GET the surgery if I was dating such a guy, but I’d converse if they asked for my insight.

@CoastRiderBill bodily autonomy and discussion versus control of the dialog.

I don't understand what you disagree with if you don't argue with men...

@Kassandra the difference between argument to mean to debate or to come to force one’s opinions. While they can formulate their own opinions they don’t have a right over my body as I do not have a right over theirs, but as an intellectual conversation— it’s better to not bury your head in the sand.

@ScientistV okay, I can respect that opinion. Thanks!

Ping pong balls make an interesting addition when in a "storm" looking for a port! ?

@FrayedBear hey now, Pepsi cans and ping pong balls go together #TwisterMovieReferenceFTW

@ScientistV the #Hashtag isn't working. I googled the phrase and came up with pages and pages. It is a cold grey morning and I have 55 other alerts awaiting response so perhaps one will explain your cryptic reply.

@FrayedBear it was the 90s movie Twister. Cold grey mornings are easiest for scrolling comments.

@ScientistV Yes Google came up with the 1996 Twister but what was the significance of ping pong ball and P cans? Were they used to demonstrate the power of the twister's wind velocity? And now thinking on't how does this relate to penis augmentation? ?

@FrayedBear if you saw his truck you knew he’d considered the surgery.

@ScientistV I didn't but I it assume that it was about the size of a wheelbarrow and he was looking for reduction ... like women with over sized mammary glands? I had an acquaintance who seemingly cured hers by breast feeding 6 children over a fifteen year period, playing tennis and mainly living off 2 litres of wine consumed in one two hour sitting. She weighed about 8 stones.

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