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I will be presente at one of the Families Belong Together rallies tomorrow.

Anyone else?

Happening in towns everywhere.

BufftonBeotch 8 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm attending a sign waving on the island of Kauai. Here in Hawaii, being White or Caucasian (European Ethnicity) means being a minority. Hawaii is a melting pot of many ethnicities, just like the rest of America.

Haole. My niece and her daughter live in Hawaii.

I think it could be useful to all white people to feel this side of it.


I am surprised to see there aren’t more “freethinkers” outraged by these atrocities. I’ve always equated free thinking with loving humanity...

Lucila Level 4 June 30, 2018

I’m still debating which side of the wall to demonstrate on, but will definitely add my voice to the outcry and demand justice.

Lucila Level 4 June 30, 2018

I did visit and see that you live in San Diego/Tiajuana . Visited a friend there a couple years ago and loved it.
We also did Anza-Borrego SP (I think I spelled that right.) It was winter and I think we were the only ones in there for those two days.

South Carolina is still in my bucket list, it is so different than our landscape is Anza Borrego!

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