Some of you might find a gem of an article that's on 2 days Google mind altering. Hubble's constant is a misconception. Galaxies in the expanding Universe, don't travel in a straight line. Space time curves and in turn causes whole galaxies to curve. Great dinner conversation or ice breaker on that first date. LOL.
Forget that subject on a first date, please. If all would hang on, now, until 3/2021, the new James Webb Space Telescope will launch and be deployed to the La Grange Point 2 area 940,000 miles past the Moon. The telescope will see in the Infra-red, see first light in the dark area that Hubble could not see, see the first 500,000 million years when the very first Stars lit up, see exoplanets and their atmospheres make up with a Spectrometer. Many answers will be answered if the Pumpkinheaded Baffoon doesnt cut the funds to NASA.
Chuck, I absolutely stand corrected, thank you my man.
Hardly a topic of conversation on a first date unless a) The date is an Astrophysicists or b) You don't want a second date
If that's your conversation go-to on a first date, I may have spotted the reason you're still single..
Nah, I been married for 40 years.
Don't forget that it's a sphere only because we look outward in all directions the same amount of distance and time. Who knows what the real shape of this universe is? It could be flattened where it bumps up against the next universe. Chew on that for a while.
Meaning that wherever you are, you are literally at the center of the universe (from your perspective of course) ?
Therefore you could actually say, without any narcissism, that the entire universe does in fact revolve around you. Ha!
@EddieDean Yeah, that's the weird part. It seems that we are in the center. So really how big is this universe? I suspect something else is going on here that we have no clue about. 13.8 times 2 equals 27.6 so the universe is at least 27.6 billion light years in diameter and probably larger!. I don't think we have discovered all there is to this situatuion
Does that mean then that space/time indicates the current expanding universe that we exist in is a sphere? If so, that, I guess, means that we are inside the sphere. So, and I know this not possible for me to ascertain, but I am sure there are some very bright minds that can, what would be the topography of the sphere's surface? HYpothetical I know, but who wants to give it a go?