4 5

The second is one I really need to work on. No 3 also.....LOL. I assume

annedoneal 6 June 30

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Yeah sometimes the self help books aren't all that helpful. I think that one of the agreements should be "Be kind to yourself"


I disagree with #4. You don't have to be some perfectionist nut case..good enough is good enough.
It only matters that you do what makes you happy. If you prefer an immaculate house, then clean it.


All sound policies, all worthy goals, all I'm trying to live. When last I checked, I was an ENFP ("Campaigner" ).


I worry more about 1.b. For me there is a lot that I keep to myself out of fear of judgement; maybe a bit of 2 and 3 in that. Some of it is a desire also to keep from hurting others, because I feel a need to please.

I would really like the chance to have at least one person whom I can fulfill all this with.

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