My bible-thumping MAGA sister is staying with me for about a week. Our developmentally disabled sister spent the past two weeks visiting her in central PA, so now they're both in Jersey with me. Going to have to more discreet when smoking my pain medication.
I keep advising people to use this behaviorist technique to train relatives to leave you alone. Highly effective, and works quickly.
Whenever someone is being offensive..either talking religion or defending Trump policies, pay no attention to them.
Act bored and distracted whenever they start to speak on such subjects and leave the area immediately, as though you'd thought of something you had to do.
Only look at them, smile, or pay attention when they are acting normally and speaking on neutral subjects. If you are consistent, you can train anyone fairly rapidly.
Do whatever you want and if they attack you for it, don't notice them, nod vaguely, and wander off in the middle of their tirade.
This technique works just well with animals you are trying to train.
She is visiting YOU, tell her you will not put up with her crap and you WILL do what you please. Smoke whatever you want, it's your house.
When I visit my dad, I have to wear earbuds the entire time. He’s always got Limbaugh or Faux playing. If he wants to talk, I make him mute it. I finally had to just tell him: ‘dad, I love you and don’t want to fight with you. So I’m not discussing politics.’ It mostly works.
My father, a staunch Republican, but intelligent (not an oxymoron), like George Will or William Buckley died in 2004, and I don't know what he'd make of all of this.