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Are (atheists, agnostics) still part of the herd mentality ?

Switchcraft 7 June 30

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I hope so !!! I want as many heathens around me as possible !!


No one is an island.


We are more Freethinkers, Yes. But we have congregated here. Pun intended. It's human nature to seek out those similar to ourselves.


We're still part of the society. We share values and ideals. We have similar societal principles. We are shaped by the society around us. We all share a "herd" mentality, because we all share a herd. It's the 'borg mentality that frightens me.


No, we are bucking the "In God We Trust" mentality in America.

that too 🙂


As part of the human species, one of our evolutionary imperatives is that we are inherently social animals. Because ot this humans tend to seek others that are most like themselves to fulfill requisite need. It is true with the people on this blog as well. We belong to the human species, so we're susceptible to the same drives for social contact. As humans we are also capable of abstract thought which means we are also capable of rationalizing why we need this social contact. But by the fact that we participate in this blog, we are bowing to our need for social contact. Short answer long

t1nick Level 8 June 30, 2018

I believe that our ego, the 'I' is derivative of the 'We', and our context within the collective whole that nurtured us. It isn't so much cogito, sum as it cogitamus, sum.

cava Level 7 June 30, 2018

Just try to post anything here that is the slightest bit controversial, and you'll quickly see this.


All humans are subject to it to an extent.

Katrik Level 7 June 30, 2018

How do you define the "herd mentality"?

The tendency for people to do and think as those around them do.

@Katrik OK. I was confused because in my experience the belief position of atheism is usually a VERY considered view. Given its minority status it has to be. It's definitely not the path of least resistance.


As far as I can tell from the variety of views on display here.....NO.. . I think we are all a bunch of freethinkers and by definition we are free to think outside the box.

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