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There are many in here who have confused not believing in the judeo Christian God with atheism. Atheism means no God no spirits, no ghost, no UFOs as of yet LOL No Angels. No Saints, no good luck, no spells. None of this chicanery is true and it is time that we take our place as the truly faithful, because we believe in US, that have guided Humanity through hundreds of thousands of years of Dark Ages

Anarchy23 4 July 1

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How does atheism mean not believing in UFOs? Calling everone morons or idiots because they believe differently is one thing I don't like about religious culture. I see it a lot on here and it makes me sad. I guess athiests can be arrogant and close minded as well..

MsAl Level 8 July 1, 2018

Me call nobody no name

@Anarchy23 Ok mabey that was the hash tags. my bad. The tone is that though. I stand by it.


Who made you King of Atheistadonia?

If this is the kingdom and it is full of half ass Christians then what point B the king. Except to survey my planet of shit


I truly HATE rabid beliefs. You know the kind........ the "the only true way is MY way" kind.

Hear, Hear.

Twas religion that brought rabid belief into the world. That is it Messiah. It's sad War like Messiah


I’ll help:

atheism, as defined by The Oxford English Dictionary: ‘Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods’.

The word literally means ‘without god’.

Thank you for using the opening line to every best men's speech for the last 100 years. Other than that I just see justification to modify atheism 2 fit your individual needs which is religion. All of these other things are based around a belief in religion. If you don't believe in an afterlife no fucking ghost and I can't believe that I have to explain second grade Bible School definitions of atheism to a bunch of people who I have the distinct feeling are predominantly alt-right and consider themselves pagans and anarcho-capitalist and whatever fancy word for Christian you are currently calling yourselves. All of which leaves room for lack of accountability which makes you, well, the status quo of the day. And unfortunately quite religious




















You stated “Atheism means no God no spirits, no ghost, no UFOs as of yet LOL No Angels. No Saints, no good luck, no spells”; which is incorrect. It literally means ‘without god’, but go you for arguing with The English Oxford Dictionary.

As for you mens’ speech comment, it’s just too daft to bother with.

I wonder how you came to the conclusion that I believe in any of those other things simply because I defined atheism correctly. At least that’s what I think you were trying to say; your lack of punctuation makes comprehension a bit difficult.

@Cassiopeia lol you're silly


You're incorrect. Atheism is SIMPLY the disbelief of any god or gods. It says NOTHING about paranormal or occult. Anyone who doesn't believe in a higher power is an atheist.

if you worship anything not an atheist

@benhmiller believing in and worshipping are not synonymous. I believe in the Loch Ness monster that doesn't mean I go door to door trying to get people into the Church of Nessie

Oh great nessie lift up your long neck and guide us to paradise. Blessed are the righteous who are granted a glimpse of the dinosaur nessie in all her glory!


A-theism is the non-belief in god(s), PERIOD. It has nothing to do with spirits, ghosts, UFO, bigfoot, aliens, astrology, superstition. One can be an A-theist and believe in all those things, just not believe in god(s).


No pal, Atheist literally just means without gods. Atheists can believe in any amount of woo nonsense, and still believe in zero gods. You don't run the club, and you have absolutely no authority to make declarations as to what Atheism 'is'


Atheism is just not believing in gods. Anything else is up for grabs, IMO.


You know, it's very elitist to decide what is and isn't atheism.

What you're saying is no different than catholics calling Lutherans wrong

@LadyAlyxandrea Although they most likely are, along with Catholics, Protestants and all other Theistic believers.


I am not sure what the point of this post is...are you trying to branch off and create your own atheistic where you are the leader telling them what is "atheist" and what is not?

I the end an atheist can believe in anything and whatever they want...except god(s).


Lets not fight with each other over terminology, we can leave all that to the believers!


Not certain what UFO’s have to do with anything theistic.

Or luck for that matter.

Reason a why we will never have first Contact


Nice Idea, wrong Terminology.
" Atheism means no God no spirits, no ghost, no UFOs as of yet LOL No Angels. No Saints, no good luck, no spells."
Atheism is simply the lack of Theism, a belief in God(s).
You are talking about Skepticism.
Many Atheists are also Skeptics, Critical Thought got them to consider Atheism.
Others are not of that ilk and do not believe in a God, but all manner of other things which also lack evidence.


Rejection of deities and religions propagating such notions is atheist. Adornment with other qualifications is personal/subjective and doesn't apply at large.

Attempts to set qualifications are the roots of orthodoxies. Why abandon one orthodoxy only to find oneself conforming to others?

Not believing in deities is sufficient.


Yup very true . But this is site is agnostic and thats such a broader viewpoint that it has lots of woo woo train passengers on board


You are not correct.

As noted earlier "atheist" is simply one the is (not) a theist. If you believe in Thor, (as a god) you, like a Christian, are a theist.

If you do not believe in any god you are not a theist. You are an atheist.

As for atheists not believing in ghosts, spirits, UFO's etc. This is a non sequitur assertion as spirits, ghosts and UFO's have nothing to do with gods.


UFOs are not myths they can be real gods are myths and are not real

God(s) could possibly be real if some verifiable evidence, facts and data was produced to support their existence, however none has ever been produced.

Flying objects that are identified are no longer UFO's therefore are nit myths so when they are UFO's they are myths

Though I would love to believe in UFOs and specified so by saying for now there is no verifiable proof of any other life in our reasonably reachable universe at least at this time


Atheism is simply a non-belief in gods. That's it. However, if you tell me you do not believe in gods and then cherry pick so as to believe in other areas of the supernatural I will laugh at you. I do this because you have no evidence.


Sorry to break this but for Jews there is no a JudeoChristian concept I’m not sure who to attribute it to but it was a Jew .., trust me this is a relatively new phenomenon. Jew have more in common with Islam


I am so lucky to have found the supportive environment of truly joyful atheist gathered together glad in the knowledge that we are actually correct. Oh wait, I keep experiencing child after child with insult after insult yet in a very Christian and right-wing fashion offering absolutely no substantial proof even when the point begs to be disproven. Seriously if this is the state of the one Saving Grace for the world then the world is fucked. I wish you all the best in the world and all your dreams come true. I hope you can learn basic methodology of debate which you should have learned in 7th grade but you perhaps opted for the video game weed study program. Name-calling is never valid debate forum and what would have been really good for you is to have to defend another position besides the one that you wrap around yourself as if it is a safety blanket. The only believe you should have set in stone as an atheist is there is no God. Life itself shows us that even within the parameters of human understanding there is an endless supply of things we will never comprehend in our lifetime yet are happening which the Christians called miracles but is really the surrounding effluvia of evolution. Ever constant progressing taking all data into account. Fair in its equal application of sometimes harsh circumstances. You know like a God would be if such a thing were possible LOL I love you guys I wish you would pick up a book on debate. Seriously 4 9 years old and up would probably work. And to the woman who took a break. Dang that's a bummer you are pretty interesting and do understand the concept of debate LOL


I am so lucky to have found the supportive environment of truly joyful atheist gathered together glad in the knowledge that we are actually correct. Oh wait, I keep experiencing child after child with insult after insult yet in a very Christian and right-wing fashion offering absolutely no substantial proof even when the point begs to be disproven. Seriously if this is the state of the one Saving Grace for the world then the world is fucked. I wish you all the best in the world and all your dreams come true. I hope you can learn basic methodology of debate which you should have learned in 7th grade but you perhaps opted for the video game weed study program. Name-calling is never valid debate forum and what would have been really good for you is to have to defend another position besides the one that you wrap around yourself as if it is a safety blanket. The only believe you should have set in stone as an atheist is there is no God. Life itself shows us that even within the parameters of human understanding there is an endless supply of things we will never comprehend in our lifetime yet are happening which the Christians called miracles but is really the surrounding effluvia of evolution. Ever constant progressing taking all data into account. Fair in its equal application of sometimes harsh circumstances. You know like a God would be if such a thing were possible LOL I love you guys I wish you would pick up a book on debate. Seriously 9 year old and up would probably work. And to the woman who took a break. Dang that's a bummer you are pretty interesting and do understand the concept of debate LOL


I am so lucky to have found the supportive environment of truly joyful atheist gathered together glad in the knowledge that we are actually correct. Oh wait, I keep experiencing child after child with insult after insult yet in a very Christian and right-wing fashion offering absolutely no substantial proof even when the point begs to be disproven. Seriously if this is the state of the one Saving Grace for the world then the world is fucked. I wish you all the best in the world and all your dreams come true. I hope you can learn basic methodology of debate which you should have learned in 7th grade but you perhaps opted for the video game weed study program. Name-calling is never valid debate forum and what would have been really good for you is to have to defend another position besides the one that you wrap around yourself as if it is a safety blanket. The only believe you should have set in stone as an atheist is there is no God. Life itself shows us that even within the parameters of human understanding there is an endless supply of things we will never comprehend in our lifetime yet are happening which the Christians called miracles but is really the surrounding effluvia of evolution. Ever constant progressing taking all data into account. Fair in its equal application of sometimes harsh circumstances. You know like a God would be if such a thing were possible LOL I love you guys I wish you would pick up a book on debate. Seriously 9 year old and up would probably work. And to the woman who took a break. Dang that's a bummer you are pretty interesting and do understand the concept of debate LOL


I am an atheist and I also don't believe in anything else supernatural.

However, as others have said, an atheist absolutely can "believe in" UFOs, etc. Don't know how they square that, intellectually, but meh....whadya gonna do?


Earth, wind, water, fire, Spirit~ there exists 5 elements. Spirit and Consciousness are one in the same, the Greeks used Psyche as a term to relate to human cognizance. The term spirit relates to psyche. Thus consciousness.

Ever wonder why our favorite beverages are noted as distilled spirits. Why? Because noticeable changes in the personae/spirit of the drinker persist while on the intoxicant. Wiskies, gin, vodka, ect... all have different effect/affect on the consciousness of being, the spirit of being.

Spirit is not a bad term, just misunderstood.

Etre Level 7 July 1, 2018

Wind, water fire and spirit? NONE of those are elements.


Philosophy, Greek.... all religion is based on the meta physical, ..... and philosophy


I agree for the most part but logically isn’t believing in nothing a belief... possibly

That is antilogic. A lack of belief does not equal belief... Just as acceptance does not equal consent or endorsement.

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