All of this is not true. Red wine disrupts my sleep unfortunately.
I prefer whiskey...
@Sheannutt Understandable....I never thought I would get into it, but a friend got me started earlier this year, and I haven't looked back.
And get a headache.... yep... I'm a whimp according to me wifie.
I guess us white wine lovers will just have to suffer.
@Sheannutt I prefer sweeter wines (Riesling, Muscat, Gewurztraminer) but do enjoy some of the Italian reds. I was stationed in Turkey and some of their and Greek reds are sweet. Just bought a sweet Greek red but haven't opened it yet.
No wine for me, thank you! I prefer watter or fresh.
And this information came from? My immediate guess would be, the red wine industry.
Astute, as always.
@bigpawbullets That is what skepticism will do to you.