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I took my kids to the swimming pool Saturday. I eventually settled at a concrete table and bench. No one was sitting there. A little bit later a good size kid walked up and set his box of popcorn and slushie on the table. I asked him if he minded I share his table. He kind of grunted at me, no. He began eating his blue slushie. If you are familiar with people who have Down Syndrome, you know they usually stick their tongues out a lot. His tongue was now blue just like his dad’s shirt who had just rolled over with his broken leg buggy. I watched them both as they ate popcorn and drank their blue slushies. I now had this image in my head of them both sticking their blue tongues out with the dad’s blue shirt matching their tongues hue. So, I asked them if they would mind if I took a photo. They agreed and even made their tongues bluer. I don’t know their names, but that doesn't seem so important..

AstralSmoke 8 July 1

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Most kids do that.


Fun moment!

It was. They were being public and private at the same time.


A new take on the " Blues " ?

Could be. I know it relies on his blue shirt a lot.

"Blues" music my friend, was just pulling your leg ! LOL

@VAL3941 I understand 'Blues'. I apologize, I got caught up in a different thought pattern. I'm circling back around now.

No hurry. I got all year !

@VAL3941 It'll probably take me a while. I tend to easily get sidetracked.

I am retired so have all the time in the world !


That's a wild

It's the ones you don't expect.

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