July 4th will be here before I know it, and I am hosting the biggest party I suspect of ANYBODY at least on this group. I am the Race Director of the July 4th 5 Miler that morning, and I expect close to "1000 of my dearest friends" to show up for this basically FREE/no entry fee event. I do encourage DONATIONS directly to two major community nonprofits that have their own representatives at tables accepting $$$ which makes those donations totally tax deductible. I have a nonprofit there called WEAVE (Women Escapint A Violent Environment) and the American River Parkway Foundation (which helps maintain our amazing 30 miles of recreational biking/running/nature paved parkway along the American River from Folsom Dam to the terminus of the American River as a tributary to the Sacramento River in downtown Sacramento).
My running club has been staging this event for almost 30 years of its 40 year history in Sacramento, and it has ALWAYS been free. All costs now are carried by the local City Councilmember for the host area (Jeff Harris), and all the local running clubs led by my own (Buffalo Chips Running Club). The Sacramento Running Association, SacFit, River City Rebels, and Fleet Feet Running all donate to help cover total expenses and for the last two years, I have had Nissan of Sacramento also support the race and display their newest all electric versions of the Nissan Leaf onsite.
We are even expecting a cooler break in our recent 99-104 degree days for Wednesday with a high only in the 80's which will be an absolutely perfect environment for getting in a fun 5 miles on the flattest and most shady course ANYwhere in this wonderful country.