It should be illegal on males too. It's barbaric.
It's strange to think that feminist Germaine Greer is an apologist for this practice.
I realise. But it is still a painful, barbaric practice for males too. Most of it is unnecessary. And crucially, there is no consent.
More than 200 million girls and women alive today have been cut in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where FGM is concentrated. I know two of them, and this practice must be stopped. The scars go much deeper than their genitalia, and they last forever. And it's still going on daily even as we sit here in our comfortable homes with our privileged, entitled lifestyles.
Humans are what make this beautiful world ugly. And it's not only monsters like Donald Trump; regular everyday people like you and me who just don't know any better are guilty of such inhuman practices. But knowing that doesn't help their innocent victims.
Think about the women in your life whom you love; then picture them being so mutilated. Then if you're not sick to your stomach, get up and do whatever you can to stop this barbaric price.
Yes there are many injustices all around us, but doing what you can is all anyone can ask.
But doing nothing, IS doing something, always.