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Quick poll. How long did you stay in the 'angry non-believer' stage after you realized you had been lied to all those years?

PmelDick 4 Jan 1

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I don't recall feeling angry. I recall having a sense of relief as if a weight had been lifted from me.


I never went through that stage. I didn't consider them liars, just delusional.


I do not regard what I was told as lying, because the people saying it believed it to be true. And I was never angry.


Wait. That stage ends?


I was never angry. The lies I was told, were told to me by other people who had been lied to. They thought they were doing the right thing. I can't be mad about that. I am sad that I didn't have a better education because of it, but I can't change it.


My worldview shift happened so gradually, over so many decades, that I never recognized it as a single event. And there was never any anger, because my parents weren’t ever dogmatic or authoritarian. When I stopped going to church, nobody seemed to notice or care. I’m pretty sure my Mom cared, but she would never let me know it bothered her.

skado Level 9 Jan 1, 2018

Never. I got out when it was right for me. Done . Finished.

I felt freed, not angry.


I don't know that I was ever in the angry non-believer stage, though others may disagree. I've been mildly annoyed that I put up with that crap for so long, but I am also grateful because now I have the knowledge and ammunition to shoot that stuff down when it flies by.


My anger subsided about when my dad stopped being pushy about it. Maybe two years.


Welpp...still angry as fuck. But I guess that is to be expected, I'm still a heathen newbie.
I think I have a lot of anger that's been especially difficult to process because I am forced to remain within Xtian contexts as far as preacher parents who are financially supporting me and don't know I'm atheist. And then there's being stuck in grad school at an evangelical university at the moment and being unable to transfer out. These things plus the anger at all I was robbed of and the kind of person that cultural conditioining made (a religious cunt). Sigh


I don't recall any anger. It was more like; "Get on with my life without this foolishness." I don't recall any emotion at all. The emotion came three years later when I dumped the rest of my superstitions. That was a joyous liberating experience accompanied with a feeling of peace.


That was never my response. I simply moved away from religion.


Never angry, I think this shit is quite comical.

Certainly comical.


Let's see, 19 years 52 weeks 50 minutes of mass... oh, can't forget Easter and Christmas... about two months.

godef Level 7 Jan 1, 2018

I was 12 today 57...and cannot believe the amount of bull I was fed...not angry anymore....


I never visited the angry non-believer stage; I simply forgave the klutz's because I don't hold grudges, I'm too good for that.


If there was an "angry non-believer stage", it was at myself for being so stupid.


I never believed the lies in the first place

Then you must have had intelligent parents to teach you- so don't take all the credit.

no, my parents sent me to Sunday school as it goes. what credit? I just don't believe in stuff I can't see touch or make sense of. I guess I will take all the credit.


I don't recall any anger.


Same as Charles1971, it felt good to just turn the switch, yep, that's it, I am now a firm non believer. Much easier than trying to sort all those contradictions in my mind.


I've never been an "angry non-believer". I just never really bought in to the whole man with a white beard up in the sky thing. I don't really have any beef with those who believe it though.

My issue is with those who use believers for their own self-motivated agendas. Those people piss me the fuck off.


Well I was not angry. In fact I tried really hard to believe it. One part of my brain was always questioning my belief. It was more of a reaching peace with my brain.


I've been in it for almost 9 years now. Once I turn 23, it'll be 10.


I'm still an angry non-believer. I was raised by the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. I was just a little girl, maybe 4 or 5, when my brains, logic, and sense of BS started to kick in. In 4th grade I started hemorrhaging internally my 'loving' family didn't bring me to the hospital because of their blood transfusion issue. They brought me to a JW chiropractor who said I had celiac disease,which I didn't. Fortunately I pulled through, please excuse my sarcasm wen I say that it's SO comforting knowing because I was a little kid, I had no say in the matter, and that my 'loving family' were totally going to let me die for their cult beliefs. My loving grandfather was killed that way. The family left me at the hospital in charge and could authorize anything EXCEPT a blood transfusion. That was the only way he would survive, and all I could do was sit there until his organs shut down. Those bastards killed him and almost me too. They still come here too.I tell them that I worship at the alter of science. My grandmother was the JW matriarch of the family. Her main mistake was teaching me to read, do research, an think for myself. They ruined my life and I can't forgive them for killing grandpa. I'd like to overcome my hatred and anger, it's not healthy, but I can't do it after those two things and so many others. I guess the only positive of JW teachings was their habit of calling BS on ALL other religions, it helped me see that they're BS too.

Hello, I'm new to the app, just wanted to say hi, I was also raised as a JW. I work in Cottage Grove. If you ever need to talk. Shoot me a message. 🙂

@DustinChiro Wow! small world. I live in CG, but lived in IGH for 10 years. No offence, but I'm just coming off a week of hell after chiro and PT. I'm sticking with the chiro, but the PT guys can...well, maybe, go to a kingdom hall? He he. Yep, 3 times a week of BS. I quit when I was 15. I was sick for a while, quit school, and got a job. Grandma asked when I was coming back to meetings, and I told her I wasn't. She said "Oh yes you are!" and I proceeded to tell her she'd have to chain me to the bumper to get me back there and I'd scream every blasphemy I could and make an ass of her upbringing of me. That was it. I hope you didn't go through the badder than bad phase. Lots of us do. Sex, booze, drugs, fast cars, rock music. Heck I was a biker chick for a while, engaged to a man called Rebel. I pretty much behave now. Not much choice. I have 1 crushed disc in my neck, all the others are gone, as are 2 in my lower back, Degenerative disc disease too. Needless to say, I can't do too much anymore. I go to Feline Rescue once a week to love on the orphans. I have 3 of my own, Comet, Binky, and Bunny. I'm also an online activist for animals and the environment. It makes me feel useful being a royal pain to the politicians for a good cause. Do you ever have doubts about leaving the JW's? I don't. The worst was when my grandpa would start to cry and say he didn't want to lose me in armageddon. I told him I loved him and grandma, but was not going to spend eternity with those freaks. I'd rather die with the sinners. We have more fun anyways. Well, I'm coming off of 2 days of sedatives and woke up to 212 emails. Yuck. At least the pain isn't as bad. Which kingdom hall did you go to? I went to Newport, but they moved to Cottage Grove sometime after I left. Well, enough chatter, tell me a bit about you please. I gotta get through these blasted emails. Take care and have a good rest of your day.


roughly 4 years. kinda a long story how.i found out but ya i was angry for a few years. lol

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