‘Rulers need myth that US is a democracy to give Americans illusion of control’ – Lee Camp
Published: 2 Jul 2018 | 17:46 GMT
Jeff Bezos has $141 billion, and 63 percent of Americans say they can’t afford a $500 emergency. The system of massive inequality is unsustainable, but it keeps going thanks to the myths we are told, Lee Camp says.
Comedian Lee Camp breaks down the eight great myths of American society in the latest edition of his satirical talk show Redacted Tonight on RT.
In the opening segment, Camp says that the corporatocracy is steadily tightening its grasp, the insanely wealthy get richer every day, and the poor get exploited more and more.
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© Nikola SolicTrump’s military drops a bomb every 12 minutes, and no one is talking about it - Lee Camp
“63 percent of Americans can’t afford a $500 emergency. Yet, on the other end of the spectrum, the rear end of the spectrum, if you will, and you should, Amazon head Jeff Bezos is now worth a record $141 billion. Meanwhile, worldwide 1 in 10 people only make $2 a day. Do you know how long it would take one of those people at $2 a day to make the same amount as Jeff Bezos has? 193 million years. And that’s if they only buy single-ply toilet paper. And yet there are riots in the streets for the most part, at least not in the US.”
Camp is puzzled why we are okay with this and says the reason is “the myths we are all sold.”
“Myths that are ingrained in our social programming from birth when our heads are still soft. These myths are accepted and basically never questioned,” Camp said, adding that he feels it is his job to lay them all out.
Myth #8: We have a democracy
“If you think that we still have a democratic republic, ask yourself this: when was the last time Congress did something that the people of America wanted that was not in the benefit of corporations? You probably can’t do it, right?”
Camp claims that Congress doesn’t do “a damn thing without the approval of their sugar daddies.”
He noted that even the Carter Center and former President Jimmy Carter believe that America has been transformed to an oligarchy – a small corrupt elite group controls the country without much input from the people.
“The rulers need the myth that we’re a democracy to give us the illusion of control,” he said.
Check out the other seven myths here:
It is an insult to the very definition of democracy for most western countries to claim that they are so. I think that there are a few countries that have adopted more democratic models, for instance Norway, Denmark in fact the Scandinavian countries in general seem to be more egalitarian. Norway has officially separated church from state, is top of world happiness index several years in a row, has least differential of pay between rich and poor, has highest living standard in world, healthcare and social services ranking amongst the highest anywhere, highest GDP per capita......I could go on. Denmark, Sweden and Finland are also ranked highly in all these categories. Oh, and I left the best one for last......Norway has the highest percentage of citizens who claim to have NO RELIGION. Can this be why they are so HAPPY ? I know that the question posed above was specifically about America and most of you guys reading this are American, but I decided to open the question out a bit to include western so called democracies in general because we are all in the same situation, and anyway the super rich have no national boundaries or loyalty to any country.....they don’t play by the same rules as us. Same goes for the Multi-nationals. I think we are all being deluded in thinking we live in democracies, yes I think Carter is calling it correctly.
@Fanburger Being a Republic means it is not a monarchy. The head of state is a President not Monarch. It is a Democracy and a Rebublic.
@Fanburger Sorry, but my dictionary says a republic is a form of government without a monarch. I think you are splitting peas here. I know you are a rebublic because you are governed by the people for the people, but the manner in which you elect your representatives is democratic.
@Fanburger I give up on this one, if you are determined to be argumentative I will officially give you the last word. Maybe you should run for election yourself if you feel so strongly about things.
@Fanburger the electoral college is the voting system preferred by bigoted white people. America has a ruling class, it doesn't matter about party. That's kind of the whole point. Both parties are dominated by wealthy corporate executives who are interlocked by board of directorships. They write bills and push for laws to protect and strengthen their power. Voting and party become meaningless in that environment. It's just window dressing. The ruling class prefers you to believe in voting and democracy or representative democracy, whichever you prefer.