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I recently came home from a visit with family and friends in Utah. I haven't been home since I came out and got divorced twice, blah blah.
All of the women I spoke with asked me about sex. All of them also said, "I just don't think I could...vagina....yuck" making a little disgusted noise afterward.
Are these women disgusted by their own vaginas!!!??? Weird!

Becca-Lou 3 July 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I feel sorry for them. I never felt that way.


Being a devout vagitarian, l don't get it either. ☺


I don't think it's a repulsion to one's own vagina.

Think of it from the perspective of a straight man. He is happy to play with his own penis, but put off by the thought of having a shot of another man's semen in his mouth.


What? That is actually sad...each sex has been given their own toy to play with if there is no one around to do it...I love my pussy/vagina and plan to wear it out solo and with my partners...too bad for far as other women's vaginas...the more toys the better...there is nothing disgusting about our/their body parts!


Probably yes. Women get a lot of socialization that our bodies are gross, that anything sexual about our bodies is yucky.
And, you know, women aren’t everyone’s thing and that’s ok.


Let them be. I am disgusted with my penis by the way... yuck!!!

I once told a lover that his penis was beautiful and he asked, "How can THAT be beautiful?" I thought it was a sad comment.

@LucyLoohoo I agree...I would never get anything done if I had a penis...they fascinate me on how they "operate"

@thinktwice between us and without trying to be rude or nasty.... female part is supposed to be pretty or meant to be pretty... male part to me is meant to be powerful, that always been my biased aproach... powerful not ugly or pretty and between ugly and pretty or beautiful certain will choose pretty or beautiful but Powerful. It is a tool after all.


A pussy is much prettier than a prick, any day of the week. They have their priorities mixed up. The female form is more attractive in every way than the male version, how we manage to procreate as a species with such inequity has always been a mystery to me.


Even if not by their own genitals, most cis, hetero women feel revolted at the thought of orally stimulating another woman.

I was certainly disgusted by my own body all my life, couldn't bear to even look in the mirror, but in my case, it was because I'm a nonbinary, partial transmale.

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@StilInterested ?? I'm sure you've noticed I try to get people to write their profiles and post their photos..weird that people don't do that, since this is a dating website and seems to be a given.

Most people want to know about someone and look for a compatible match before messaging with them.

If you mean what I said at first, I happened to discover that a local Thai herb, derris scandens (also sold on Amazon) gets rid of dysphoria, and also dyslexia. It sharpened my eyesight as well, and makes me impervious to the bright sunlight and heat here in southern Thailand.

So now I'm no longer disgusted by my body. But I'm still a demisexual (must be in a long term relationship of well over a year to feel sexual attraction for anyone, and then only for that one person).

@StilInterested They carry derris scandens on both Amazon and eBay.

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