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What if you jazzed up confession by using synonyms? Instead of:

"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned"


"Sorry, Daddy, I've been naughty"

Jlangston70 7 July 4

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I got thrown-out of a "practice" confession when I was young and nearing the bogus "First Communion" event. We were to go through the whole routine with made-up sins (needed to save the real ones for the "real" confession in a few days), so I confessed that I'd recently committed suicide. Father Foley said, "Well, then you'd be dead". Me: "Yeah, that's the joke". He wasn't laughing. Off to Sister Kevin Marie's office for me. No sense of humor those Catholics.


I'd probably start going to church again.


I know this is just a joke, but the people who usually subscribe to religion would think it too fem, submissive (ironic), sexual, or be too homophobic to do that.


Am I missing something here? This is a site for people who are atheists and other varieties of disbelievers, so why are you asking questions about confessionals? Who cares what they say Catholic churches or what they do in confessionals unless it is molesting children, then it definitely is our concern! I can’t believe some of you have actually posted replies to this question.

@Jlangston70 I take your point. I may have gone off on one! It’ s just that the Catholic Church is a bit of a sore point with me. Too many paedo priests around here. Apologies ?

Life is much too long to be taken seriously.

@Jlangston70 No, sorry but I am fortunate to have personally escaped the clutches of RC dictrine. My grandfather keft the church and mbecame a freethinker, my father also identified as such and brought us up that way too. No but I do know someone who’s son was molested by a priest , it happened years ago but she only found out about it a short time before she died. I think it hastened her death.

Ummm it’s a joke. Not every post has to be deep or philosophical.


And then give all the dirty details.


Not a good thing to say to a supposedly 'celibate priest', I don't think they carry or use condoms.


As Lou Costello once said


I would be in that confessional for hours....

Anyone want to play Priest and the Sinner?

@nutrition_nerd of course...perhaps we could share the confessional and really give that priest a him see

Tell me more. Inquiring minds want to know. ☺

@Sticks48 tell me more..naughty minds want to know....fixed it for're welcome....

@thinktwice Thank you. Now l need details! ☺

@Sticks48 are you ordained? You know, confidentiality and

@thinktwice Ordained no, but confidentiality is guaranteed! What goes on with Larry stays with Larry! ☺

@Sticks48 meet you in the confessional

@thinktwice Looking forward to it. ?

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