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If I believe that a belief in a god is unnecessary, abdicates responsibility Of how we act to one another and to our planet, and prevents us from from truly understanding the nature of reality, and our Universe, then what group to I follow into?

LETMD 2 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Well put. An atheist group?


Being a good person has nothing to do with religion. And truly understanding the reality? That is so wrong. I'd say you are still religious.

I feel there are many reality's. Look at the reality of someone who uses Meth on a regular basis for instants. There perception of reality is different, the same is true for any vise. If your religion is your vise, as if to say, you worship every week, such as in ity. Or pray every morning facing the same direction. Then isn't that your "vice"? And if so then you would fall into the A-typical king of what that certain reality is.


Just look how Christians have and are treating the planet and the people that inhabit the place.That is an incredibly low bar. Every nonbeliever l know is better than that.


I would say you are flirting atheism. Do these views apply to all gods? If so, yes you are. Grab a seat, roll a J, or pour a Jack. Either way I'd share one with you.

Seph Level 6 July 4, 2018

Idk but its my view of it as well

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