Watch "War- Spill the Wine" on YouTube
odd that you picked this band....nice guys, but crazy as shit...they recorded some music at our studio in Atlanta in the 80's...always loved their stuff
loll thanks for that...yeah...that is not only the size of his dick but also of his brain...although, I think the brain might be even smaller
Said the nice lady with the XXX sign... lol
depends on what your definition of "nice" is, I
@thinktwice yep ever the gentleman in public
???I know everyone is different , but large breasts have never been much of a turn on for me —- large glasses for wine ? on the other hand are essential
I enjoy wine in any size jugs....
you, too! A nice zin is what I am having on this hot day....refreshing
@thinktwice Enjoy your day! With a gin or two