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Just for fun, since some of these other topics are heavy...what's everyone's favorite anime/show. Currently I like Hellsing, Gundam, House MD, Burn Notice, Peaky Blinders, Daredevil, Ripper Street, Archer, Venture bros, Lucifer (guilty pleasure lmao) , Berserk, Jojo's Bizarre adventures, Scrubs and a couple others.

Docfubar 3 Oct 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Gotta love that you asked our fave, singular, then listed a bunch! (;

Mine (mostly oldies): Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Baccano, Durrrarara (sp?), Ouran HC, early Bleach, Mob Psycho 100, and DeathNote until they killed off L.

Zster Level 8 Oct 15, 2017

Fave Drama: Breaking Bad
Comedy: Rick & Morty or It's Always Sunny

Dylan Level 5 Oct 11, 2017

i like always sunny a ton

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