Any women interested in me?
I really want to find my soulmate. : ) Feel free to ask me anything. I would recommend, reading my profile, posts and comments. Depending on how much you would like to read, those tell alot about me. I'm an INFP, if you would like to Google that. On a great website, it will tell everything you would want to know about my personality type. : ) fyi There are 16 Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality types. Everyone has one. Its fun to find out which one you are. It can really help you understand yourself better and others to understand you.
Doesn't come off as desperate...
I know, right? lmao
I find limiting the span of human personality 'types' to 16 patently ridiculous. Spending a day with one person will provide for a broad range of 'types' -- if one uses the word 'types'; a word that really doesn't fit in describing the ebb and flow of human reactions to life experiences over any period. I liken the MBTI list to the Signs of the Zodiac. One can find something that fits, depending on the biases carried, in the list, but if one pays close attention they will find that a number of other 'types' or pieces of 'types' will fit as time passes. Pigeonholing people only works narrowly for a brief period, and even then it is of questionable value.
So, @JohnINFP -- who are you really?
Yes, Myers Briggs and thanks
Not my first thing, but I would like to understand a potential girlfriend, significant other, soulmate or wife's personality and for her to understand mine. I think it's important for a good relationship and for ourselves.
: )
This is who I am.
I respect your opinion, sounds like you are a wise man, but it seems like you don't know alot about it, though. It's not at all like the signs of the Zodiac. My college guidance counselor gave me a very professionally designed set of 600 detailed questions of facts about my default preferences in life. It's not necessary to take the 600 question one or to have a guidance counselor. They were multiple choice questions about your default choices in life. People tend to have 'go to' choices in life. Great websites about the subject have free short sets of questions. And the great websites explain each type well. It's easy. Some sites even discuss how two folk's personality types will work in a relationship. How to understand each other better in a relationship and any person better. Some results of the questions will be obvious. It even helps you determine which career you're suited for or that you might like. That's why the guidance counselor counselor gave it to me. To help find a career I might like and be good at. And therefore which college classes to take. She suggested I buy the first edition of 'please understand me' which I did. It helped me so much in a lot of ways.
Not about what mood you're in. Don't knock it til you try it. : )
@evidentialist I was as honest as possible in answering the questions, while thinking back over my lifetime. My choices and my personality in life have been pretty consistent. I think people's personalities can change over time. I have become a little more comfortable being extroverted with people since the 1st time I answered the questions. If I answered them now I might be closer to being an ENFP. Maybe people change their answers each time they try it, then of course they will get different results. Maybe they aren't answering the questions honestly or accurately,
garbage in, garbage out. They may be thinking short term instead of how they've made choices on average through their whole life. For me I feel it was very accurate. : )
@JohnINFP -- If possible, try to think back over your life objectively. I said 'if possible' because most people can't come close to it. If you can or you have available accurate records over the years (something else rarely available) you would find that your life preferences have changed greatly over the years. There are a few, very few, characteristics that remain moderately consistent, but we are far too complex to remain static. At the time of the test, whether 600 or 6000 questions, the result may describe you with some accuracy, but won't be completely applicable a month later and will more than likely be completely out of sync with who you have become in a couple of years or more.
I have several friends who work in the field and my youngest daughter is a forensic psychologist. I have also studied the subject to some extent. No one I know puts any credence in the MBTI for long term. Now, I realize that is not something that can determine the validity of the system, but it is a solid indicator. I suggest that you simply remember that all lives are accompanied with a constantly changing set of experiential inputs and that along with that we respond to the collective of our history. What that means is that some experiences will alter our personas greatly (that cathartic moment) and some will hardly affect us -- but affect us they all do. Life is dynamic and human beings are not mushrooms (at least most of us aren't). A person has been doing the solo act for a decade, then someone enters his/her life that triggers an entirely new set of responses. That person will begin exhibiting new responses to almost all other inputs based on that experience. No longer the same person, in spite of being jammed into the same skin bag.
Yes, Myers Briggs and thanks
Not my first thing, but I would like to understand a potential girlfriend, significant other, soulmate or wife's personality and for her to understand mine. I think it's important for a good relationship and for ourselves.
: )
I suggest you shorten your profile, and break it into small paragraphs. Nobody wants to read a wall of words.
Reading your profile, I stopped when you retired from truck driving. The dense wall of words was daunting.
You have a wonderful sense of humor! Keep the funny bits, such as:
"Ask a driver to let you parallel park a semi with a 53 foot trailer. Or to back one in a straight line 200 feet or more."
You need a recent, clear, head-and-shoulder photo, smiling and looking at the camera. Your one photo doesn't do you justice.
Can't see your face and sparkling eyes!
You thought the truck thing was funny? Great! Sparkling eyes? You're makin' me blush. Ok, I'll try to make some better pictures and work on the profile/bio. Thanks, Kathleen!
"Soul mates" is a fantasy sold by Disney movies, rom-coms, advertising and stupid romance novels. To me, love is an action verb.
Suddenly I'm hit by a magic lightning bolt of love, running through a flowery field in a flowing white dress, with birds and butterflies fluttering overhead, while romantic music soars as I run into the arms of...CUT!
What's that tingling feeling? Ticks.
Ohhh my dream of what a soulmate is, is shattered. I was really getting into that second paragraph until you said CUT.
lol I'm such a romantic idealist. Puppy dogs and butterflies. : )
Hilarious! Love your sense of humor.
@LiterateHiker awww you're making my heart feel all warm and tingly <3
@JohnINFP -- And you're trying too hard. Relax.
@evidentialist oh, ok thanks!
I met my current soul mate here. He private messaged me aand requested getting to know me better which we did through Singles Chatroom and Telephone. When we met we had so much in common that despite a 3 hour difference we are going to make it work. Best of luck-you have the positive attitude
That is SO wonderful! I'm happy for you. Thanks for sharing.
: )
Don't tell someone to google something about you, let them know why that is important to you