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What Is one thing I can do to improve or to make my profile more appealing to women? : ) thanks!

JohnINFP 7 July 6

Enjoy being online again!

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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JohnINFP, here. I want to thank everyone here for caring enough to help me with my profile. You all are SO AWESOME!!


Don't mind me. I'm just looking. Go ahead. Keep talking.


add money 🙂

lerlo Level 8 July 6, 2018

Sixth man saying advertise your money .

@Cast1es you may not believe it but there is a sizable group of women who say/feel that they married for love the first time and this time its about money. Not to mention the group that's just out for the money in the first place. You've certainly seen the women hanging on to the arms of the old guys with money. So, while I made my comment in jest (because you don't want that woman), he asked what would make his profile more appealing.

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