Have a hilarious nickname for President Piece Of Shit? Maybe something like Cadet Bonespurs or The Mango Manatee perhaps.
Here's 409 of them. Some have me roflmao.
I use whatever pops in my head... Since he goes by "Donald J Trump" as if it gives him prestige, I call him "Donald 'Jesus Fucking Christ' Trump". Other common names: #Dolt45, #ToddlerInChief, #CheetoheadTinyhands, #PresidentStupid, there are many good ones...
Isnt that what children do? you are 51?
I'm 54, and I call tRump all kinds of names, it's therapy...
@TroyBarber64 Maybe you need a therapist
And the winner is.... (in my opinion)
Only 2 syllables - efficient, and it covers so much more than his shade of orange..
I also really like "White Kanye" because you have to appreciate how it kills two mentally ill birds with one stone.
I was calling him "Fuckie" but I may change it up every now and then.