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So just had a phone call from my dad, he's sent me £500 to help me with the car! I'm literally crying ?

Josephine 7 July 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Good news ? But the downside is you now have to celebrate xmas ?

Salo Level 7 July 9, 2018

That's what good Dad's do if and when they can...brilliant.


Dad's eh? Brilliant


Can you tell him my car is also giving problem please ?


Awww! That's so nice.

Why are nurses not paid a decent salary?


After last months democrat meeting we took a ride in a members new car, pretty fancy.. After too long discussing it’s many functions, those speaking looked for my opinion. I told them I’d likely be driving my little ol’ truck forever that morning I’d sent checks totaling near the cost of his new car to my daughters.. Don’t know if they cried, as they’d received the same a year ago. Dad’s love their daughters 🙂

Varn Level 8 July 7, 2018

Well done Josephine’s dad! We never stop being parents even when the kids are all grown up !


Excellent ?

Coldo Level 8 July 7, 2018
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