Marriage: Because you need to know you've been folding a bag of chips wrong your entire life.
Well of course you need to know.........oh wait.....oops! Yep. Old habits die hard.
I am a reformed bag folder rectifier Please don't hate me...........
Oh ! So you are thd cause of the marriage break up ? Over folding a chip bag ???
@VAL3941 To have him tell it, yes....... lol
Thats life ! There's his side, there's your side and the truth lies in a folded chip bag some where in the middle ? Lololol
@VAL3941 Absafrickinlutely
It is really hard to fold a bag of air and a few crispy bits !
No....not if you fold it properly!!!!!
Is there and are you supposed to fold it properly ?
@VAL3941 Well... whether your supposed to is up to the individual (unless your married and sharing a bag) but is there a right way to do it in order to keep them at their maximum freshness until the next time, well yes there is. AND the whole chip bag thing is why I will not marry again
See ! This whole chip bag folding thing is getting out of hand, no wonder marriages don't last ? LOLOLOL
@VAL3941 Exactly lol
You fold them? I open them , decide they are too big, put them in my back pocket, sit on them or let the washing machine sort the mess out!