Finally I've found a place where females openly admit not wanting children. I don't want them either.
Every reason to choose to have a child is a selfish reason.
The world is overpopulated, you should be given a medal!
I think it's wonderful, too! I believe some of society's ills have been created by people who were "forced" by religion into having children. Or even of marrying. That's a lot of suppressed resentment to take out on a kid, who will then pay forward their dysfunction.
For me, it's that I don't want to birth them. My genetics are just awful
That's very practical, @LadyAlyxandrea. And motherhood can be attained without physically birthing a child if you choose to in future.
@Lauren I've been considering foster parenting after I go on disability. It wouldn't be easy for a single person working two jobs, but no jobs? I can be there
Yeah, speaking as a single mother from the time my daughter was two, it's rough. Fulfilling, but rough. Fostering is a really good option, and there are so many kids that need care. Particularly care from someone who's not going to drown them in religious drivel.
Depends where you are in life. I have friends and family that never had kids-they had pets. Different strokes for diferent folks.
I think it is sad that only the religious are so focused on raising children. I don't want kids either, but I cringe when I think of how most kids will still be brought up in religious homes.
When I got pregnant, my atheist cousin was thrilled because "if people like you and Ron don't have kids, then the other side will take over." We laughed. A couple of decades later, it's eerily right. It wasn't why I had a child, but I like that "our side" is shored up with freethinkers like my daughter.