I started writing a book a few years ago. It was about a Francis-like Pope from Nigeria. The longer he wore his crown, the more his belief in God crumbled. Finally, he came to the realization that religion did more harm than good. I was going to have him first excommunicate his entire flock and then he was going to excommunicate himself...
But then I thought, if the words of Uncle Walt, Hitch, Dawkins, Harris, etc... failed to sway people, mine probably wouldn't either. So, I lost interest in the project.
Wow. Thank all of you so much for the insights and encouragement. Rereading my post, I can see it sounds as a "woe is me" but, even though that was not my intent, you've got me thinking maybe I should revisit the project. I know the saying "excuses are like assholes..." (And, I can definitely be an asshole , however, I really do have other things that take priority. First of all, I'm a firefighter/paramedic. I like to write but I've got 6 months to prepare to take the promotional exam for lieutenant. Secondly, just a few weeks ago, I conceived the idea to tell a tale of recounting my wife's experiences assisting in procedures at an abortion clinic while she attended a catholic high school. IMHO, all abortions are tragic. I just want "God" removed from the discussion. So...studying aside:if I am to write, which story should I focus on? I appreciate any and all feedback.
It sounds a bit like this preacher from my hometown. He was holier than everybody while he was getting $60k a year plus gas but since they wanted to send him to Appalachia with a big pay cut he said fuck that and now he works at Lowe's and tells me where the light bulbs are and talks about religion as a pretty good gig until they weren't paying him enough. Now he never mentions it. Finish your book just for the feeling of accomplishment. That's enough.
Amazing. This is one of my favorite passages from The Grapes of Wrath. In the extended dialogue, the good reverend explains how he mostly used religion in order to get laid!
“Before I knowed it, I was sayin' out loud, 'The hell with it! There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do. It's all part of the same thing.' . . . . I says, 'What's this call, this sperit?' An' I says, 'It's love. I love people so much I'm fit to bust, sometimes.' . . . . I figgered, 'Why do we got to hang it on God or Jesus? Maybe,' I figgered, 'maybe it's all men an' all women we love; maybe that's the Holy Sperit-the human sperit-the whole shebang. Maybe all men got one big soul ever'body's a part of.' Now I sat there thinkin' it, an' all of a suddent-I knew it. I knew it so deep down that it was true, and I still know it.”
― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
JUst as a thought. If you are writing, write for you. If you start by expecting an audience you will probably fail. If you write from a genuinely personal space you may still fail, but the work will vibrant and real.
I like the concept. The Pope says he will reveil the lord, gets full live worldwide news coverage. Comes out and says the whole thing was a Roman plot to spread the empire and none of the Jesus stuff was true. Announces the giving away of all church property to the poor and gives his Popemobile to Scott Pruitt.
That's good.
If you're a writer and you've finished most of the book.. You might as well publish.
But perhaps there's a problem with the final part. An atheist would not need to 'excommunicate'.
Thanks. I never got past storyboarding. As far as an atheist having no need to excommunicate, you are correct. My thought was that it would really just be dramatic show of the complete dissolution of the catholic church.
Sorry to hear-sounded interesting.
Thank you. It was fun for a minute. What research I did do on , was fascinating.