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Food is always on my mind.

J75243 6 July 8

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Back when I was younger and eatign food that wasn't alltht healthy for me, I thought o ffood a lot too.

Now, I try to consciously eat for nutrition. That means no sugary or processed foods, no fast food, but food in their natural or close to natural states. I no longer think aobut fodo so much, and seldom feel all that hungry anymore, because your hunger impulse is regulated by the amoutn of nutirition you get,not by the amount of calories you consume.

Most peopel in the U.S. are over weight because they eat processed foods, which are high in calories but low in nutrition. Because the body does not get the nutrition is craves, they remain hungry no matter how many calories they consume.


I'm the opposite. Sometimes I even forget to eat.

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