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What's the best coffee you've ever had and where did you have it?

IAJO163 8 July 9

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Death Wish coffee in my kitchen


My neighbor’s in Oxnard Ca circa 1998. He was a Cuban expatriate. He made me a cup of Cuban which couldn’t be beat.


Cain's Coffee hands down the best cup o'Joe I've ever had. In a mom and pop joint a friend used to run. That was about 28 years ago. I haven't had a better cup since.


I'had countless different beans and different roasts in my time. Some were really great, some not so much. But as for the best I'v ever had, well I don't know what brand it was, but in Vermont every place we went to had the best, better than any where. I didn't know why for a long time, then some one I was talking to up there explained to me it was the water. There they use natural spring water and the minerals make the water taste soft and smooth. I would have never thought of that before.


In Australia, I think at a McDonald's. They are serious about their coffee in Oz

GwenC Level 7 July 9, 2018

Probably Italy.


I don't know the brand, but it was at a coffee stand at a festival in the mountains of North Carolina. People would donate beans, they would brew them, and not one penny was ever exchanged. Just bring an empty cup, and beans if you had any to spare.

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