It’s a natural, instinctive response. And they look nice, feel nice, and ............ , er, well ...............
@Boogey Um, taste nice? Often willingly provide an exquisite alternative to penetration? Can sometimes provide an alternative route to a woman’s orgasm (true, this, albeit pretty rare - guess I got lucky). The well’s running dry now, but I know there’s more. ?
It's nature. Don't blame men.
@Boogey Becuse we’re programmed to. It’s not a free decision, it’s instinct. And size isn’t a general thing; some men like them big, some medium, some small, some barely there at all. And some don’t care, just that they exist. We’re hard-wired to be attracted to them.
Millions of years of evolution has wired our brains to connect boobs with sex.
Also boobs with nourishment, all kinds.