4 10

Yeah, I know fairies aren't real, but this is still funny...

snytiger6 9 July 9

Enjoy being online again!

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The classical error of The Cumaean Sibyl

“Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi
in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σίβνλλα τί ϴέλεις; respondebat illa: άπο ϴανεΐν ϴέλω.” (the wasteland T.S. Elliot)

Be careful what you wish for.




That is funny, although I don't think that I would want to live forever. Cannot imagine myself being 150 and being able to do things for myself, having someone wiping my bottom every time I go to the toilet is a nightmare just thinking about it.

I have a butler to do that for me anyway 🙂

Yeah... There is that old Greek myth of a woman who was granted a wich form the gods and she wished to live forever.. it was granted and she continued to grow old, unable to ever die.

I think if I were to live forever, I include the clause "in perfect peak health" somewhere in that wish.

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