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Trumps pick for SCOTUS, Brett Kavanaugh is expected to criminalise abortion, weaken American gun-laws, and protect Trump from Mueller.

Everything Kavanaugh has said and written confirms some Americans worst fear.

If he is confirmed.

Trump promised the religious right and now he's delivered, so the payback he expects will be whatever his perverted little heart desires.

But it's not over until it is, so all Americans who really care about each other and for their country better mobilize, and fast.

#SCOTUS #Trump #abortion #Mueller #Kavanaugh


josephr 7 July 9

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What you wrote is accurate as far as it goes. But the model of 'sanctuary cities', or states, may in fact be repeated on this issue. My guess is that Trump and his minions may in fact try to criminalize abortions, which inevitably will then be appealed to the Supreme court. So nothing is written in stone when it comes to the law.


If he does he does not respect the law.

Marine Level 8 July 10, 2018

How can practically non existent gun laws be weakened?

Read the candidate judge's stated views about automatic weapons.


We win!!!!!

But are you ready to pay the price of winning? LLOL

I'm neutral on the abortion policy.
The other two talking points you've listed are positive developments... my opinion only.

@bigpawbullets I see that such divisions are taking shape across your country. What happens next will be critical if history is any indicator. The civil war started because of less emotional issues, and i don't see any compromises on the horizon. But it's never over until it is. Have a great day.


This is nauseating....

If anything it will tear your country apart even further than it already is. So sad.

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