If you had to choose one, what would you get as a tattoo?
Sure I'll take Deuteronomy 10:19. See how much they like the bible when it commands them to love brown people. Make them choose between racism and bigotry.
a dick tat ... interesing.. I already have a boob tat.
Does that reworked bible vers from pulp fiction count
It was tempting to choose Trump and have something like a knife beside it (or in it), but there are enough Bible verses that are ambiguous in meaning or suitable for secularist ideals. I certainly can't name a verse off the top of my head, so it might take a while to make a hypothetical choice on my hypothetical tattoo, though in a pinch I might choose either "go pray indoors" or a reference for proper treatment of mildew in your home.
A bible verse. Maybe one of the pornographic ones from the Book of Psalms.
I chose my ex's name cuz it would post off his current wife, bahahaha...my only other option would have been a penis, and that's kind of the same thing????