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Why is it so hard to realize we are just like any creature that has ever lived on this planet?! That we exist and then we die, never to exist again. To believe otherwise is hypocrisy for this site.

Ride_Captain 7 Jan 4

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i like to think that in an infinite universe with infinite time i shall be reborn or not

Odyn Level 4 Jan 6, 2018

Is it really hypocrisy to suggest that we simply don't have any way of knowing what's beyond us? We accept the "null" hypothesis for now, but that's because we can't measure anything beyond our physical bodies when it comes to "us." After all, we're star stuff.

We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star stuff,
~ Carl Sagan

The carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms in our bodies were created in previous generations of stars over 4.5 billion years ago. Humans and animals contain these elements. So something moves on. A star dies, and we're its legacy.


I used to be terrified of the thought of no afterlife until I realized that I was dead for most of the universe's existence before I was born and that didn't seem like a big deal. At least when you're dead you have no knowledge of suffering which is a step up from this dismal place.

Some people feel like the idea of no afterlife is a reason to give us urgency in this one life we have to make a difference. But here's the thing. I don't like feeling urgent all the time. Especially when it doesn't accomplish anything. This generation is unlikely to make a difference. So why try? I'm just going to enjoy myself and not worry about what I can do to leave a mark before I die.


I believe in mother nature. Our bodies decay and become fertilizer, that's how we live on. The legacy of our children and other acomplishments. To me the word death is a spiritual constuct, life is a proven. The empathic side of me understands the necessity for the belief of an after life. The strongest emotion is fear, religion passifies fear. Puts order to the chaos that fear creates. But, to believe that we are more than any other creature is hubris and justifies the killing of other animals.


That is prettynihilistic and not everyone on this site is a nihilist


They can I think. OK this not my personal belief but a theory describing why others believe. The human body dies but it's form is still here with something going on inside for example the fingernails continue to grow. Children perceive something in the dead body as being there, Tibetan monks have unusual stories of a perceived something there long after death. Is it possible that some sense not completely conscious perceives the slowly decomposing body's slowly ceasing all cellular function. Or when is complete cease to exist????

Hair and nails do not continue to grow, the flesh desiccates, causing it to appear as if they are growing. Cell dear is final. We all rely on our lizard brain, we should, it's necessary for survival.


Consider me a hypocrite then.


Maybe. That is definitely in the spectrum of 😛


Totally agree!


how is it hypocrisy


There is no certainty for the lack of a god. How can you war-whoop about hypocrisy? Last I says "" for the website. Further, there is a level of the Earths own atmosphere that has an electromagnetic frequency the same as the human brain. Evolving mass consciousness without physical form...that possibly evolves. Heh. Hypocrisy.

@atheist Yeah well that's like your opinion man.


The belief in a thing other may find absurd is a condition all rational beings suffer from.


To discuss something is not necessarily to believe it. I think that is a very important thing to realize for a community that wants to claim a support of evidence based claims. If someone on here claims, "I believe, without evidence, in reincarnation" I think it would be horribly received, and the reaction would be barbs, but if someone raised a discussion about "Thought Experiment: How could we prove reincarnation?" I think it'd lead to an interesting conversation.


I don't know


Our feeble minds cannot and do not comprehend the true nature of existence. So called life, and so called death are constructs of the human mind. Common sense tells me that, yeah, we come in and then out, and that's it,lights out! I find it extremely presumptuous to claim we understand completely and fully the complete properties of existence. Have a good one.


I will talk about the "afterlife" once I am relieved of this form. Can not tell you what it is until then, can not deny what it is until then. Don't know what I was prior being born. My lack of understanding don't bother me now. I will just Live and Wait for the next phase.


I once believed in reincarnation but didn't believe in god. Does that make me weird? Probably. Now I just think when you die you die. Goneburgers.

Sacha Level 7 Jan 5, 2018

Maybe it's possible to believe in an afterlife or reincarnation without believing in god. (Not that I do.)

Yeah I don't think the two are mutually inclusive. Both are farfetched though.

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