The Philosophy of obscuring your face
Why this must be done in many of the pictures I see is totally beyond me. The cat face stuff I really don't get, usually though if it's impossible to understand it has something to do with current fashions or fads so I guess that's that. Really without being too blunt here, I am just curious as to why women use all the obscurities between you, your audience and your face. Why do you use the cat face thing so much? It hides your true features. Is that the point? Why obscure the loveliest part about yourself with nothing more than fads and fictitious nonsense? If you are trying for the mystique, why not use something natural? Please, humor me here because there is truly a possibility I'm simply missing the boat here altogether.
Well - being as I have an obvious cat make-up picture, I'll respond.
I am playful and imaginative. MIne is a Halloween costume that I worked hard to create. Also., being in theatre, I was rather proud of the make-up job and received many compliments on it. For anyone interested - I have a non-make-up photo among my others on here.
If there are those - such as yourself, who don't "get" it , that would mean to me, that you're likely not my kind of person, as I tend towards the outer edges of the bell curve.
Of course I can only speak for myself - you'd have to ferret out the reasons behind any others.
Don't like it, or understand it ? You needn't look, or concern yourself at all. Fini.
Well aren't you a ray of sunshine...
@itsallgoodman Actually, I am, So thanks.
@evergreen Don't mention it. It's very obvious in the manner of articulation here you are by all standards just an absolute joy!