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Name a few of the things you do that run against the grain with the culture where you live. It would be fun to compare notes and see what weirdness we have in common with other members.

I live in the US, but:
. I don't follow football or baseball.
. I don't like eating doughnuts or drinking soda.
. I pronounce "disgusting" with a "g" like "gust" - not with a "c" like "cussed".

jujuofthesea 7 July 13

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36 comments (26 - 36)

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This was an interesting topic-thanks for thinking of it. I enjoyed reading about all you weirdos?

Melind Level 6 July 14, 2018

@Melind Yup, me too. Let's hear your idiosyncrasies. Sharing is Caring 🙂


I don't drink alcohol
I hate corporate sports
I don't do weed
I don't have a pet
I love tattoo's and lots of them
The way I look and dress
My mouth
I'm from somewhere else
I have lived my life moving from one community to another and I find that most if not all of these against the grain things translate to everywhere I have lived. 😀

Why so normal? 😉


All of my family and friends that drink hot tea with milk or cream. I drink it plain.


Other than occasional sporting events, I don't watch TV.
No soda, for years.
I eat a keto/paleo diet hence: no fries. pasta. bread, a rare beer here and there etc.
I've traveled extensively outside the US
I read Chomsky, Zinn, The Nation
At my age (63) unusual in the intensity of my exercise. Of course, maybe that's why I am laying in bed in a rehab facility recovering from surgery to repair a torn quadriceps as I type this. Yeah, it hurt.
I have a graduate degree. (I live in relatively unschooled Philadelphia)

And FWIW, I don't find this weird. Uncommon, but not weird.

I used "weird" as a term of endearment.


I'm black and not religious(good luck finding much of that in FL) I love going to the club but hate drinking alcohol. I'll cut up the dance floor even tho I cannot dance. I'm a huge anime fan but have the skills of a D1 league basketball player. I like girls but they don't find me attractive(everywhere) especially black girls. I love to read books and take a bath but I'm probably more masculine and more hygienic than the average man "here". If someone says I'm not humble I just don't give a F*ck. Lol last but not least I have a lot of love to give romantically but I'm shy of girls.

You sound like a Renaissance Man. More power to you!


I live in Arizona and really only enjoy FIFA World Cup and Olympic curling, though I'll take in live basketball or hockey if the tickets are free. I don't drink soda, ever (not even in mixed drinks). I hate ketchup - can't stand the smell or taste of it. I hate sunny days and vastly prefer overcast, rainy days, moreso if there's fog.

@GinaMaria Oh no, ketchup hater ... what about ketchup derivatives like BBQ sauce and Thousand Island dressing (can't make an In 'N Out burger otherwise) ???

@jujuofthesea 1000 Island gets a pass because it's minimally ketchup, but I'm super picky about BBQ sauce - only Trader Joe's or Bill Johnson's original.


I live in the PNW but I'm not a hipster. And I actually drive like I have two brain cells to rub together.

But do you own a Subaru Outback? 😉

@jujuofthesea Actually, I don't! Another stereotype busted!


Yeah, you are weird. ( that's a compliment). let me think about it a while.

Why, thank you.


I cannot stand professional sports either. Also I live in a very mormon area. I don’t go to church on Sunday.

PaulD Level 5 Aug 9, 2018

Live in the US on the TX/OK border

  • I'm an Ethical Vegan
  • I'm Childfree by Choice
  • I've never been on food stamps/welfare/etc.
  • I've been employed with a paycheck for 36 years
  • I have a rattie roommate
  • I garden and freeze, can, preserve my own food
  • I am over 50 and have no health issues and I'm not on any medications
  • I drive an F-350 diesel and prefer trucks over cars
  • I haven't had fast food, name-brand soda, or most junk foods in over 2 decades
  • I've never downloaded a song or a movie - but I have a huge CD and DVD collection
  • I love books and read constantly...but have never had an E-Reader of any sort

I don't think America is the greatest country in the world just because I was born here.

And I say it is because of the opposite reason, I was born somewhere else and I have seen and experience how bad things can be myself

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