YOU THINK YOU'RE SMART, DO YA? Maybe you're one of those who thinks man is the only critter who knows anything at all about empathy, compassion, and ... morals.
The Capuchin monkeys apparently are smarter than trump voters.
I'm always impressed by a man who does know much about empathy compassion or morals. Now let's talk about women.....
One of my biggest curiosities is the research into ravens. Have you seen any of the videos of ravens using tools or playing games? It is incredible to watch.
Yes, I have. I have also been fascinated by the abilities of their somewhat more intelligent cousin, the magpie. Magpies are members of the Corvidae family. The Eurasian magpie is widely considered one of the most intelligent animals in the world and one of the only nonmammal species able to recognize itself in a mirror test.
And for fun:
“Catching” a yawn is also an indicator of empathy demonstrated by other species!