10 6

I've somehow done more today than in the last 6 months. I really overdid it, but I needed to get all of it done. Okay some could have waited, but it is much more relieving and calming when the entire living area is spotless. I'm actually extremely OCD for someone who can only do one thing a day.

I did my laundry, actually hung it up and put it all away, made my dinners for the week, cleaned and mopped the entire bathroom, cleaned dusted and vacuumed the livingroom and completely cleaned my bedroom.

If anyone needs me I'm going to be taking 15 pain pills and dying lolol

LadyAlyxandrea 8 July 14

Enjoy being online again!

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You need a day off from your day off!!!



UPDATE: My body regrets everything.


Congratulations on getting everything done. I’m sure it’s a major sense of relief ?

PaulD Level 5 July 14, 2018

It is!

@LadyAlyxandrea have a great day


wow you are so cool I did my washing and folding clean my place up today too

Rosh Level 7 July 14, 2018

Glad you finally got up. I was worried you had made a permanent mark on your bed. Lol


I need you to come clean my house.


Glad to hear you are happy with your day. Good work. Now get some rest, just a suggestion.


Sounds like you had a banner day, i bid you a fond adieu.


Time to TREAT YO SELF to a facial and netflix

Fyi this is that 'most painful facial peel ever' but it's SOOOOO worth it. My skin get so smooth and clear afterwards. It's awesome

Noo! I'm never go to do that. My face is just fine how it is... lol

@RavenCT I love it. My skin is so smooth


Shit. I missed something

Nah you didn't...

@RavenCT I missed it I didn't say I was gonna do it lol that's one that can wait

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