What are the articles of clothing you hate to wear but must at certain times?
For me, I abhor wearing suits, ties, dress shoes. Also, I've yet to find underpants that are truly comfortable! Haven't worn a suit or a tie since I retired eight years ago this month . . . Even at my mother and father's funerals! In fact, I wore red, high top sneakers to my father's wake. Thought for a moment I started to see him turn over in his open casket. I should mention here that soon after both died, I went out (at age sixty) and got a very large tribal tattoo on my left upper arm.
Terrible that you sometimes have to wait for family to croak before you feel really free! But that's an issue for another post.
Anyone should visit Saint Simons Island on the Georgia coast (USA) during winter months. Most people walk around in shorts and a sweater. It's really cool thing.
In South Georgia everyone wears shorts or jeans. Everyone wears underwear and bras (well, men don't wear bras. I think wearing a bra or not should depend on whether or not it makes a person more attractive or not.
I tried not wearing undershorts, but being a male (although a small male) this was uncomfortable for several reasons. I wore tighty-whities cotton undershorts for most of my 66 years of life but have switched to boxer spandex type. They fit without wadding up. However, the spandex does not absorb sweat very well and when I work outside, sometimes I look as if I pissed myself. The only times I wear a suit and tie is for a funeral or a wedding.
I like the look of a woman in heels, but that has got to really be a chore for most women. I don't see how they avoid spraining an ankle. Once I tried to walk in heels and almost fell down.
I think a women are sexier in a tiny bit of clothes rather than completely naked. I think something should be left for imagination. A woman with hair under her arm isn't attractive. And I like shaved legs on her ,too.
I'll admit I'm an outlier among women--I find going braless painful. I'd rather have these heavy-ass things restrained, thanks.
The thing I dislike wearing most is jeans. They're forever uncomfortable no matter what style I try, and I almost always overheat in them.