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This morning my doorbell rang. Anyone who knows me, knows that we use the back door, so I know it's a stranger. And since I use this door so infrequently, I forget that I have a peephole. Anyway, I opened the door, and it's two men in dress shirts and ties. The closer of the two asks me if I think that the bad happening in the world is god's will. Before I can say anything, he starts to explain that it isn't. He asked me, finally, if I agreed, and I told him I'm atheist. He smiled, said that he can understand why, considering how many people say that terrible circumstances are god's will. Then he wished me a good day, and walked away. It was actually a lovely experience, to connect with a human for just a moment, with complete honesty, and not feel judged.

GinaMaria 7 July 14

Enjoy being online again!

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How sweet. I was once accosted in the street while locking my bike and offered a flyer by an evangelist. I told her that I was just headed to the Buddhist Centre opposite, thinking that would end the conversation, but she asked about that and we got talking. It was a nice conversation and ended with us having a hug. When I entered the Centre, one of my friends there, who had seen us from the window, said "Is that your girlfriend?". šŸ™‚

Gareth Level 7 July 15, 2018

Iā€™m following this, gotta know if they return/who they are/how you respond ?


They will be back...and in greater numbers..your Athiest retort has only temporarily stunned them...
Remember...use the peephole.


He won't sell many vacuum cleaners that way! šŸ™‚

ipdg77 Level 8 July 15, 2018



For a long time now I assume for the sake of argument that there is a Creator/God. I would have engaged and said "If things are not going according to God's will, then God is incompetent."An hour long debate can and has ensued. Anyway, I don't think I have convinced anyone that logic works, but I am sometimes compelled to try anyway.


Foot in door method.... They are going back for reinforcements and deeper study for better preparation next time... Whoot, I wanna hear how this turns out!

Sparks Level 3 July 14, 2018

Will definitely report back if there are further attempts!

@GinaMaria Mormons are odd unpredictable "elders" @ age 18 these fools could skip you and put on their DONNIE&Marie headphones on or like you said pick on you with a whole choir next time


Some religious mook came to my door a while back and asked if I was a x-ian. He was all smiles until I gave him the horns up and told him I worship satan. His smile left and then so did he.


MYSTAdard rsponse to door knockers i ttat Jesus shouldn't be sold door like vcuum cleaners

I like that.


Yeah. There have been a few more mormons in life that i felt did not judge me in any way than any otber religious affiliation that I've been exposed to. I wish I could say that about all the versions of Christianity. But I guess I can't truly blame them . They are only seeing me exist within their world view and to most of them..judgment is the way they measure their current spiritual standing with the Lord. If their better than 50 % or more than they are more likely geting into heaven
All in all mormons seem.the most genuine loving and accepting . At least the ones I've met in Arizona

Oh, they are judging you, go to their get togethers sometime...


Sounds like a ' close encounter with crazy people '


Oh man, you missed an opportunity to proselytize for ... HeHeHe.

Not yet sure how to go about recruiting. ?


Maybe he had his own doubts and your candor was just what he needed.

UUNJ Level 8 July 14, 2018

I wondered that myself, but with a partner in tow, I doubt he wanted to pursue the discussion.


A lovely change from the reality of door knockers.

I know... I was thoroughly surprised. ?

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