What kind of useful information have you found in this community?
When I was feeling at times being like I am on an island all by myself with my off the beaten track ways of thinking, now finding there are so many of us out there that have for lack of a better term.. "seen the light" or woke up and realized what's real and what's not, what is real truth and what is not. Knowing that most of us have been raised in some sort of dogma or religion, & got away from it to find ourselves.
I have learned some neat atheist jokes. I've also learned some great responses when challenged by a believer. I keep looking and every day meet new people with some interesting comments and ideas.
Perhaps you'd like to share?
Oh gosh, now you've put me on the spot. It's 5 AM and my brain feels fried. I can't think of a single thing other than a generalities which I won't bore you with right now. Sorry, it's just too late and I'm too tired right now. I'll try to remember to get back to you though.
I learned pineapples don't grow on trees lol
No, they don't. I grew one in a pot on my balcony when I lived in Florida. I cut off the top of the pineapple and planted the fleshy part in the dirt with the leaves exposed. It took quite a while but it eventually grew the cutest little pineapple which I'm sure would have gotten larger but I had to bring it into the house so they could paint the balcony and my cat laid in the pot and caught and spread fleas ALL OVER by apartment. I was so annoyed with the clean up that I threw out the damn pineapple plant. LOL