An age old rant.
My friend, who is religious, lost his stepson in a horrible accident recently. My friend's wife is extremely religious. Her son was a ne'er-do-well whom my friend and I assumed would probably die from a drug OD some day. He technically already had but was revived. Anyway, it's bad enough that this lady has lost her son in such a tragic way, but now she has to reconcile how her god, whom she loves so much, would take her son in such an awful manner. I truly feel sorry for her. Of course her FB wall is flooded with prayers and proclamations of god's healing powers. Where was this god just seconds before her son was horribly killed? Oh, I forgot, it's part of his plan.
Im very sorry for your friend. I hope she can find peace and people will allow her to go through the greiving process her way in her own time.
As a beleiver this is always the most difficult question I can’t answer. Why do bad things happen to any of us? I think playing the “part of the plan” card is a cop out. I usually just admit I don’t know, offer comfort through being there to listen and doing things to help. And yes I also do pray. Ill pray with a person who wants me to or silently to myself when those gestures aren’t a part of the person’s belief system and will offer no comfort or support..
Have wondered the same forever.. Plane crashes, 219 parish - 2 survive - it’s a miracle! Isn’t god wonderful! ..that kinda shit. I’d lost a good boy, my 17 year old cousin & best friend drowned. Straight A student, super athlete and a friend of all … the religious side of his/ our family played it as ‘a sign god had a need for him.’ BS, thought this angry young atheist - humanity had a need for him!
And another reason facebook’s seeing a lot less of me.. ..fuckin fools.